Karl Rove Gay Rumors and Christine O’Donnell — Republican political consultant Karl Rove on consecutive nights on Fox News Channel disparaged the character of his party’s nominee in the Delaware senate race.
After the primary polls closed two days ago and it became clear that Tea Party favorite Christine O’Donnell had beaten establishment choice Congressman Mike Castle for the nomination, a visibly upset Rove told Sean Hannity that she had “checkered background” and said “nutty things”. He called her a liar and, most damningly if true, accused her of spreading false rumors about Castle’s sexuality.
The outrage from conservatives was thunderous and Rove felt obliged to appear last night on Greta van Susteren’s On The Record to clear things up.
Which he did by repeating his claim that O’Donnell had bad character, couldn’t win, et cetera, et cetera.
When Rove cited her financial difficulties with banks and the IRS as examples of this alleged bad character, Greta said those would be more likely to garner sympathy from the average Joe and Jane in these Obamanomic times.
Rove then again accused Christine of spreading false rumors of Castle’s sexuality. Greta agreed that this would be a sign of very bad character.
So, did she?
Apparently, Rove’s allegations are based on this video produced by sympathizers of O’Donnell, who had been former employees. Nobody has produced any smoking gun showing that Christine requested, approved or even knew about the production, and, in fact, she quickly denounced it calling it an insult to Castle and his wife.
“Former”, btw, Karl means “no longer”. You seem to be saying that Christine letting go some consultants who were advocating questionable tactics is a sign of bad judgment and character.
Highly illogical, as Mr. Spock might say.
Christine would later accuse Castle of “unmanly” tactics and suggest that he get his “man-pants” on. Rove apparently equates this with making an accusation of having a homosexual affair.
Ibid. Mr. Spock
But lets turn the clock back to Y2K when then-Gov George Bush was having a toe-to-toe battle with Sen. John McCain for the GOP presidential nomination and supporters of Dubya distributed fliers alleging that McCain fathered a black child out-of-wedlock and committed treason by collaborating with his North Vietnamese captors.
Can’t get much lower than that, Karl. You know anything about that? You aren’t projecting a little with Christine, here, are you?
Rove has done serious damage to his credibility regardless of his feeble attempt to walk it back – it’s his job on Fox to analyze races as he sees them. Yeah, right. He was obviously furious that his boy, Castle, lost, and he took the opportunity to trash the Republican Senatorial candidate, O’Donnell, to get even. All that remains to be seen is how much financial damage he’s done to the Republican party. My guess is PLENTY!