Media Trust History At A Glance — A shocking way America has change is illustrated in the below graph via Gallup. In 1976 — the year All the President’s Men came out — more than 70 percent of us trusted major media. Less than 50 percent had no trust.
There are 36 percent without any trust and 33 percent with not very much.
A mere 31 percent still believe the garbage they are being fed.
That shows the percentage that trusted the media in 1972, but it doesn’t tell us whether the media were actually trustworthy back then. It’s only since then that we’ve learned that the media back then were spinning stories to slant public opinion against our involvement in Vietnam, for the Great Society, and so on.
My own observation is that the media have always been biased. Just that when the media were only in print, it didn’t matter. You knew that this paper was a Democrat paper, for example, and that one was a Republican paper, you knew it and could judge what you read accordingly.
And when they were biased in favor of traditional American values and political philosophy, it wasn’t a problem. It’s that now they’re biased in favor of Statism, of progressivism, which is American fascism. The myth of impartiality arose when radio became common, and the State got involved. The federal government regulated the airwaves, and the progressive myth is that the federal government is “impartial”. But it isn’t, not since FDR’s administration, at least.
The myth of an unbiased media dies hard.
“All the President’s Men” inspired me to study journalism. Little did I know that Bob Woodward may have been a CIA operative.
“I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore!”