Nightmare In Elanco School District

Nightmare In Elanco School District

Update: We have been informed that Mike Miller, who is challenging Senate Republican Caucus Secretary Ryan Aument in the  May 17 Republican primary, will be attending Monday’s (April 18) meeting of the Elanco School Board in support of the parents. Of course, that leads us to the question as to where is Aument. Doesn’t he care?

Another update here.

Elanco parents are passing to us horror stories of bullying, neglect and indoctrination.

Light-skinned children in Elanco — officially Eastern Lancaster County School District (Pa.)– are being told they are oppressors. Dark skinned kids are being told they are victims.

One parent who adopted Caucasian and multi-racial children says this is causing pain at home.

Young girls are being encouraged to identify as boys — and to take offense if someone uses their “dead name” which is the name that their parents gave them.

It gets worse.

Nightmare In Elanco School District
A teacher reportedly made this of a middle school girl. The image has been seen by hundreds on Facebook.

Children who aren’t with the program are viciously mocked — by the teachers. See image.

And by the students too, of course, which is ignored by the teachers and administration. The student bullying is physical which includes slapping and dumping drinks on victims, according to parents.

And then there is the neglect.

LNP/ covered a February revelation that a wheelchair bound, non-verbal 10 year old was ignored by the special needs teacher. The child was coming home with soiled pants yet without the clothing the parents provided to keep him warm.

Paraprofessionals Amber Murray and Cheryl Brubaker confirmed the incident in a response to emails from the parents. They were fired by Substitute Teacher Services almost immediately.

Nightmare In Elanco School District
A screenshot of a story from LNP

Parents, why do you tolerate this? These people work for you. You pay their very high salaries. Elanco is in the 36th Senatorial District which is represented by Senate Republican Caucus Secretary Ryan Aument. What’s Aument have to say about it? Nothing? If so, he is facing a  May 17 Republican primary challenge from businessman Mike Miller. Maybe Miller would be interested in making an issue out of this.

Don’t forget to involve State Rep. Dave Zimmerman (R-99). Find out if he cares.

If parents could fire their teachers — and schools — matters like this would be easily solved. School vouchers would give parents this power. One of the few bright sides of Covid is that we learned that the traditional American public school is nowhere near as caring as many thought and there are likely better ways of getting children educated.

And education is more important now than ever.

Nightmare In Elanco School District
An example of children being taught in Elanco that is it wrong to say “all lives matter”.
Nightmare In Elanco School District

3 thoughts on “Nightmare In Elanco School District”

  1. I really wonder if parents agree with this crap or don’t care or don’t know. This is why the Dept of Education should be shut down. The Teachers’ Unions should be disbanded. If you understand why unions were formed in the first place, you would understand why they are no longer needed or useful. Actually, this is only one reason why unions are now dangerous.

    I encourage people to do some research on the history of unions. Any organization is bound to become corrupt when it becomes too powerful. Unions are at this point. When are we going to realize that it is not just the government that is corrupt. Unions are at the same level of corruption.

    If we, as a society, do not demand the dissolution of unions, our society will continue to degrade to the point of complete chaos. We will lose the ability to even function as human beings.

  2. this school is noting but trash.. idc if this is seen either. i’ve been going to this school for years now. i’ve been beat up by kids for no reason at all. one girl thought it would be nice to come up behind me beating my ass because she didn’t even like me, that had me in the hospital with a concussion and what did the school do? not much… things have been happening in school all this year and it just keeps getting worse and worse. i’m tired of going here but i go because i need an education, but the teacher who would think it’s funny or whatever to do what they did is messed up. nobody should be treated like that from anyone. this school goes more and more down hill then ever.

    1. Oh Bella,
      I am so sorry to hear what’s happening to you.
      It’s not ok, and you know that. Keep your chin up kiddo. Know that you are worth more than precious gold and silver, etc. You are uniquely and wonderfully made with a God designed destiny. Don’t let any bully – child or adult – cause you to think differently about yourself.
      Continue to be the beautiful young lady you were created to be. Even your name says you’re beautiful.

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