Oldest phone number — William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 7-24-19

The oldest phone number in the world in continual use reportedly belongs to the Hotel Pennsylvania in New York City. It is 212-736-5000. When the numbers were seven-digit-long and alphanumeric it was PE6-5000. Before that?  Pennsylvania 6-5000.

The second most famous phone number also has an exchange associated with  Pennsylvania namely Dublin Borough in Bucks County. It’s 267-867-5309.
Get it?
You got it.
Oldest phone number — William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 7-24-19
oldest phone number in the world in continual use reportedly belongs to the Hotel Pennsylvania in New York City. It is 212-736-5000. 

5 thoughts on “Oldest phone number — William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 7-24-19”

  1. Phone number? Honey Badger doesn’t care.
    The longest word is something to care about.
    Honey Badger says the longest word in the i
    English language is something to care about. Here it is:

  2. I remember three ladies working a switchboard on the 4th floor at 30th and Market, and I recall we used Evergreen – an obviously climate control positive Exchange. All the pollution emanated from the Keystone numbers in City Hall.

  3. “Pee-aye-four, two-two hundred,
    That’s the number
    For the plumber!
    Pee-aye-four, two-two hundred”

    I think the melody was from a song that went, “Reuben, Reuben, I’ve Been Thinking…”, something like that.

    I don’t remember which plumber it was, but that was the jingle for a TV commercial from around 1970, broadcast on one of the local Philly stations. It’s stuck with me all these years.

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