Progressive Daylin Leach Praises Hackery — State Sen. Daylin Leach whose 17th District includes Haverford and Radnor appears to be just peachy with the practices that caused Bonusgate.
In a column on his website he takes issue with the report of the Grand Jury that investigated the crimes implying the Grand Jury could be just as easily called “The Doofus Patrol” and dismissing the anger expressed by those who after sitting through months of testimony indicted several lawmakers and staff members for taking taxpayer money to finance political campaigns. The indictments, btw, have already led to several convictions.
Among the objections in the report that trouble Sen. Leach are to the number of staffers employed by our legislators — there are 2,805 of them for 253 elected officials — and the pay of our legislators especially in relation to the number of days they actually work. The report notes that the base salaries for our solons is $78,314.66 excluding benefits. This package is among the highest in the nation. The report notes that the House was in session for 72 days in 2006, 115 in 2007, 72 in 20087 and 147 in 2009.
I will not insult Leach by calling him and his fellows in Harrisburg “doofuses” but I will point out that the simple change of a single letter in his name would give him the perfect moniker for the job and lifestyle for which he so strongly fights.
Leach, a Democrat, touts the “power of progressive thinking” on his website. Progressives are the most materialistic, money-worshiping people on the planet. It is their tenet that all can be solved by the dollar. They really think that we can’t get competent, honest people to serve as our lawmakers for what New Hampshire pays , and just as delusionally think Pennsylvania is better run.