Stories Missed By The Dino Media In ’09

Stories Missed By The Dino Media In ’09 — has a slide show on the nine biggest stories missed by the “mainstream” media in 2009, which it says are:

1. The resignation of White House Green Jobs adviser Van Jones which happened after it became public that he thought the U.S. government was behind the 9/11 tragedy.

2. The ACORN tapes which revealed that the government-funded activist organization had no problem with giving advice on how to maximize the financial benefits of underage girls brought to this country illegally for prostitution.

3. How White House science adviser John Holdren has floated draconian ideas as to how to reduce the human population.

4. Climate-gate in which emails leaked from the leading research center for climate change showed the entire global warming movement to be a fraud. (I would have made this #1)

5. How the federal National Endowment for the Arts asked artists to promote President Obama’s political agenda.

6. The connections that Chas Freeman, who President Obama tried to appoint to chair the National Intelligence Council, has to the Chinese and Saudis.

7. The massive Tea Party protests.

8. President Obama’s appointment of Kevin Jennings as “safe school czar”. Jennings has promoted homosexual sex with minors.

9. That Democratic congressional districts have received nearly twice as much money per district as Republican ones.

I think I would add the water shortages in California’s San Joaquin Valley caused by government policy — it is likely to increase the cost of food for all of us; the pending removal of four major hydro-electric dams on the Klamath River on the California-Oregon border to restore a 300-mile migratory route for salmon — so much for global warming; and the attempts by the Obama administration to force Honduras to violate its constitution to  reinstall a law-breaker as president, whose socialism Obama had been sympathetic to.

And something to consider — if we continue to use the phrase “mainstream” to refer to newspapers, magazines and network TV newscasts,  it will soon be an antonym to its present definition.

The phrase, IIRC, was coined by Rush Limbaugh.

Stories Missed By The Dino Media In ’09

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