Swamp Thing Attack SOP On Judge Moore — Allegations that Alabama Judge Roy Moore sought to creepily date teenage girls 38 years ago are being trumpeted by noted swamp mouthpiece and gay activist The Washington Post.
If you believe what the Post claims, we have some troubled assets to sell you.
Moore is the Republican nominee for the open Alabama U.S. Senate seat and the election is Dec. 12.
Moore has vociferously denied the claims. Why do we unquestionably accept his denials?
Leaving aside that he has been a controversial public figure for two decades and was long a highly desired trophy by the anti-religious left hence ripe for such a take-down, we have adopted the principle that any allegation made a month before an election against an anti-swamp candidate is false.
We remember Curt Weldon’s persecution by the Justice Department — the George (Swamp Can’t Be Spelled Without Dubya) Bush Justice Department — in 2006. The allegations made three weeks before the election turned out unfounded but the damage was done and he lost.
We remember Alaska Senator Ted Stevens July 2008 indictment and his trial three months later which resulted in his conviction one week before the Nov. 4 election. It was later revealed that FBI agents conspired to withhold and conceal evidence and the verdict was overturned. No matter. He lost the election by 3,724 votes to swamp-loving Democrat Mark Begich.
We remember the press conference by a Hillary swamp minion in October 2016 where several women came forward accusing Donald Trump of sexual harassment. Several of the allegations were easily debunked and none was ever established.
Most troubling, though, was a claim not made against a candidate but the economy. In September 2008, the swamp media was screaming the economy was going to collapse and we were all going to starve unless the big banks were bailed out IMMEDIATELY. On Oct. 3, with Republican John McCain ahead in the polls, President George (Swamp Can’t Be Spelled Without Dubya) Bush signed into law a bill giving the banks, along with Wall Street money men like Goldman Sachs, $700 billion of our money to save them from the stupid decisions they had been allowed to make during the Bush and Clinton years.
We don’t necessarily think it was to keep McCain out of the White House, albeit he would have been less of a tool than Obama. Without the pressure of a presidential election, however, and with discussion and debate we don’t think Goldman Sachs and the banks would have gotten our money.
The repercussions of this disaster remain with us.
So stay in the fight Judge Moore and may you win.
Swamp Thing Attack SOP On Judge Moore
Remember that POS John McCain brought out the FAKE Fusion GPS report against President Trump. Same POS McCain bringing out these FAKE attacks.
McCain should know better.Remember how he was accused of infidelity that ultimately turned out to be fake news
Judge Moore responds: http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/11/11/multiple-standing-ovations-for-judge-roy-moore-as-he-hammers-washington-post-smears-at-veterans-day-event/