True Pundit Pedigree Is Pretty Good

True Pundit Pedigree Is Pretty Good — We never paid much if any attention to until a couple of weeks ago when we came across the story of journalist Jen Moore who mysteriously died in a Maryland hotel while investigation an allegation that Bill Clinton raped a young boy.

We love a good conspiracy theory as much as the next guy but the default concerning them is heavy skepticism. Still, this crazy story stuck in our head and we made a phone call and yes, Jen Moore did die mysteriously in that hotel as True Pundit claimed.

When writing the story, though, we put some distance between ourselves and TrueP and were taken to task for it in comments here and on social media.

It turns out we should have been. TruePundit has a legitimate journalistic pedigree.

It was founded by award-winning ex-Bergan County (N.J.) Record reporter Michael Moore who uses the nom-de-guerre Thomas Paine.

Moore quit the Record in 1996 after being cleared in an internal ethics investigation by the paper instigated by allies of then Democrat Senate candidate Robert Torricelli, who would go on to win the election.

” . . . it’s like a bad movie, and that’s the main factor why I couldn’t go back to work there,” Moore said. “(Then editor Glenn) Ritt made comments to the news media saying that I was under investigation, and for him not to release comments to the news media after I was cleared ? I just don’t understand that.”

But the world wide web was dawning. Moore expanded his side business using public records to reveal nefarious deeds by those in commercial or public life. The powers-that-be took notice and attacked.

Moore persevered though and his business evolved into investigative contracting. He worked for the FBI, the DEA and other fed agencies along with corporations including those of casino owner Steve Wynn who sicced him on fellow casino owner Donald Trump in a battle of gambling rights in which Trump came out on top.

When Obama took office in 2009, things changed. He knowledge of Deep State workings was seen as a threat and his home was raided one early morning. FBI agents pointed carbines at his children, he said. His alleged crime? Copyright violations involving the sale of VCR tapes of old hockey games.  He explains it here in detail.

He got mad, re-entered journalism and True Pundit was born.

So did Bill Clinton really rape a young boy?

A cardinal of the Catholic Church has just been force out after being exposed of sexually abusing young males, and voices are being raised for the Pope himself to resign as he is being accused of being a party to the cover-up.

The largest academic institution in Pennsylvania has been found to have shamelessly covered up the widespread sexual abuse of young males.

Oscar-winning actors and directors have been found to have participated in the sexual abuse of young males.

Is this stuff really common in the halls of power and did Bill Clinton really rape a young boy?

We are not laughing at the claim.

And what did happen to Ray Gricar?

True Pundit Pedigree Is Pretty Good

True Pundit Pedigree Is Pretty Good




One thought on “True Pundit Pedigree Is Pretty Good”

  1. I find to be ahead of the curve in research and integrity. It is one of my go-to websites for truthful reporting.

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