William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 9-29-16

It was not until 681 A.D. when the Damnatio ad bestias — the practice of sentencing prisoners to be eaten alive by animals in an arena — was banned in Rome.

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 9-29-16 Damnatio ad bestias

Curt Weldon Boosts Ukraine Conference

Curt Weldon Boosts Ukraine Conference  — Former Congressman Curt Weldon has sent us a note regarding a conference concerning the Ukraine, noon, Oct. 6 at Manor College in Jenkintown.

It’s free but RSVPs are requested and can be made here.

A lunch afterwards is $20.

Curt Weldon Boosts Ukraine Conference Topics are foreign policy and humanitarian efforts. Speakers include U.S. Congressman Michael Fitzpatrick, U.S. Congressman Brendan Boyle, Dr. Larissa Kyj,  former ambassador Roman Popadiuk, former Ukraine ambassador Yuriy Sergeyev, and Walter Zaryckyj, who is executive director of U.S./Ukraine relations.

Curt is not among the speakers listed.

Information can be found here.

Curt Weldon Boosts Ukraine Conference



Uber Banned Again Now That Dems Are Gone

Uber Banned Again Now That Dems Are Gone — An agreement reached, July 7, between the Philadelphia Parking Authority, which oversees limos and taxis in the city, and transportation network companies such as Uber and Lyft, ends tomorrow, Sept. 30, once again making the popular services illegal in the city.

Note that they will only be illegal in Philly. Everywhere else in the state they are fine.

The agreement was made to facilitate transportation matters during the Democratic National Convention, July 25-28.

And this leads one to the obvious question: If it made things better then why won’t it make things better after tomorrow?

Uber Banned Again Now That Dems Are GoneThe answer one fears is that it doesn’t make things better for the small-time cronies who rule Philadelphia but these small-time cronies had to defer to the big-time cronies back in July.

The Democratic Party is a criminal organization. The world would be better if it died.

 Uber Banned Again Now That Dems Are Gone

Villanova Cowardly Cancels Milo Visit

Villanova Cowardly Cancels Milo Visit — Milo Yiannopoulos, the gay British conservative who might be the funniest guy on the entire internet, was to come to Delaware County, Nov. 15, at the invitation of the Villanova College Republicans.

But that’s not going to happen now. The progressives at the school who have long held the principle of “speech for me but not for thee” went on a passive-aggressive social media whisper campaign. They accused Yiannopoulos of racism, bigotry, and misogyny. This caused the school’s large, well-indoctrinated special snowflake contingent to become frightened. This allowed the school administration, whether through cowardice, progressive collusion or a combination, to squelch the talk.

Villanova Cowardly Cancels Milo VisitHave you ever noticed how when a progressive accuses one of racism, bigotry, or misogyny the specifics are left out?

Frankly, I think the special snowflake objections to Yiannopoulos show severe homophobia. Sensitivity training is warranted.

Villanova Cowardly Cancels Milo Visit