Thunder rumbles William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 9-6-19

Thunder rumbles and claps and peals and rolls. Thunderclaps are high-pitched, loud and last between .2 and 2 seconds. A peal means its changing in loudness and pitch. Rolling thunder is it irregularly changes in loudness and pitch. A rumble it means it’s not loud but very long. Some of us swear we heard a rumble for well over a minute.

Thunder rumbles William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 9-6-19
Thunder rumbles and claps and peals and rolls. Thunderclaps are high-pitched, loud and last between .2 and 2 seconds. A peal means its
I know I heard a long thunder rumble.

At twenty years William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 9-6-19

At twenty years William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 9-6-19

Kwjjitr mfx htxy ytt rzhm gqtti fsi fltsd yt gj wjqnsvznxmji fy ymj hmjfu uwnhj tk wmjytwnh.
Ymtrfx Xtbjqq 

At twenty years William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 9-6-19 Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle: sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing ye to the Lord and bless his name: shew forth his salvation from day to day. PsalmsAnswer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: At twenty years of age the will reigns; at thirty, the wit; and at forty, the judgment.
Benjamin Franklin

Check out Kim Kennedy’s It’s A New Day on WFYL 1180 AM