Real H8, Real Love

This Off the Internet is  from jaydee007 and concerns the recently vetoed Arizona law that attempted to protect the freedom of conscience of merchants.

The Christian is exercising his First Amendment rights when he expresses why he is not baking the cake honoring a gay wedding because he is admonished by God to do so.

If he sees someone in their sins and says nothing, God tells him that the person’s blood is upon them for not providing fair warning. It is not his intent to become a victim for engaging in “The Free Exercise Thereof.”

Imagine three people  standing on the deck of the Titanic when it strikes the iceberg.

One is a Purser, the other a business man and the third is a student.

The Purser believes everything he’s been told about the Titanic being unsinkable! The Student does not believe that for a moment. The Business Man has heard both sides and is unsure.

The Purser does not like hearing anyone talk about the Titanic in any other terms than support for the notion that the ship is unsinkable. It disturbs and agitates him no end. He feels put upon any time anyone speaks that way, and he is especially disturbed when he sees someone convince anyone else that the ship may be less than perfect.

After the collision with the iceberg, the Student tells the Business Man that the ship is going to sink and it is necessary that he get into one of the life boats if he is to survive. The Purser angrily shouts that the Student knows nothing of which he speaks and he is wasting the Business Man’s time.

The Student then proceeds to attempt to convince the Purser that he is in error and that the ship is going to sink and anyone not in a life boat will be going down with the ship.


Question 1. Is the Student Motivated by Hatred?

Question 2. Is the Purser Motivated by Compassion?

Question 3. When the Student Agitates the Purser is he being Mean?

Question 4. When the Purser shouts down the Student is he being Kind?

Question 5. Does the fact that the Purser doesn’t want to hear the message of the Student make the Student Insensitive or bigoted, toward the Purser, or the Business Man, in his effort to convince them of what he believes?

Question 6. Does the fact that the message the Purser brings the Business Man gives him comfort make him more caring and a better friend than the Student?


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