William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 3-6-14

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 3-6-14


Rasputin’s assassins wanted some music for party held to lure their victim. They had a phonograph but only one record. It was Yankee Doodle. They played it. Over and over and over.

Visit BillLawrenceTrivia.com for Omnibits


Doug Coulter Coolest Man Alive

Doug Coulter of backwoods Virginia may be the coolest man alive. Not only does he have a lot of guns, he keeps a nuclear reactor in his garage.

And it’s homemade.

HeĀ  says he’s trying to save the world.

We believe him.

If anyone should have an old spare DeLorean, send it to him.

Here is the video:


Visit BillLawrenceDittos.com for Coolest Man Alive Doug Coulter
Visit BillLawrenceOnline.com for Coolest Man Alive


Coolest Man Alive Doug Coulter