Stalking Kids Called Free Speech

John Kane, who is expected to be the Democrats nominee in the race to fill the 26th District Pennsylvania State Senate seat being vacated by Republican Ted Erickson, has released, according to the Delaware County Daily Times, a statement slamming  HB 1154,  the bill recently passed by the State House that would amend the criminal code to prohibit harassment, stalking and the “threat to use weapons of mass destruction.”

Kane claims it seeks to outlaw the right to picket against
unfair or unsafe practices.

“Picketing and protest are essential rights that every American should be guaranteed,” said Kane, of Ridley, who is the business manager for Plumbers Union Local 690

Um, John, taking photos of kids at school bus stops and abusing women in restaurants is not picketing.

Hey, nobody is going to stop you from having a couple of guys standing near a job site wearing signs saying “unfair”

Providing they aren’t blocking anybody’s right of way, of course.

We suspect you will still be able to set up those stupid inflatable giant rats too.

The Republican in the race is County Council Chairman Tom McGarrigle, of Springfield.

Go Tom.

HB 1154 still must be passed by the GOP-controlled state senate and signed by Gov. Corbett. It’s not as done a deal as one would think it should be as there are Republicans in that body who are in bed with union bosses and other special interests as much as the typical Democrat.


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Visit for Stalking Kids Called Free Speech

Stalking Kids Called Free Speech

Jolly News

Teri Adams of the Independence Hall Tea Party Association notes that the unexpected win of Republican David Jolly in a special election, Tuesday, to fill the congressional seat for Florida’s 13 District is a strong denunciation of ObamaCare.

She also congratulated President Obama for postponing enforcement of the troubled program’s individual mandate. She said her group has been pushing for this since the fall.

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Visit for Jolly News


William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 3-14-14

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 3-14-14

Viscount Horatio Nelson, Great Britain’s greatest admiral and naval hero, defeated the combined fleets of Spain and France at the Battle of Trafalgar. Lord Nelson was fatally wounded at the height of the battle but knew he had won. His last words were, “Thank God I have done my duty.” His men then pickled his body in a barrel of brandy and sent it back to England.

Visit for more Omnibit Trivia

For the Legend of Abd-el-Kader and a recipe for baba ghanoush, which goes great with Cryptowit Quote Puzzles, visit here.

Corned Beef Cuts

With St. Patrick’s Day arriving Monday the topic of which cut of brisket to use for corned beef is one that most certainly must be addressed.

The point cut is fattier and usually cheaper.

The flat cut is leaner.

The flat cut makes better slices. The point cut makes for better shredding, some think.

We are glad to have been of assistance with this most pressing matter.


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Visit for Corned Beef Cuts



Legislator Pensions Unconstitutional?

Roger Howard, who is seeking to be the Republican nominee in the 158th District in the Pennsylvania House, is saying that legislative pensions are prohibited by Article II, Section 8 of the Pennsylvania Constitution and has posted the wording on his Facebook page which we repeat here:

The members of the General Assembly shall
receive such salary and mileage for regular and special sessions as shall be
fixed by law, and no other compensation whatever, whether for service upon
committee or otherwise. No member of either House shall during the term for
which he may have been elected, receive any increase of salary, or mileage,
under any law passed during such term.

Seems pretty cut and dry as pensions are certainly not salary or mileage but are clearly compensation.

Of course, don’t expect a state judge happily in bed with those putting an ever tightening yoke on the state’s taxpayers to agree.

Roger has said he will refuse to take a legislative pension if elected.

The primary election is May 20.

Go Roger!


Govt Workers Nearly Twice Expensive

The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported March 12  that employing a state or local government worker is 45 percent more than an equivalent worker in the private sector.

For December, employers in private industry spent an average of $29.63 per employee hour worked, while employers in the government sector — although most don’t comprehend it — spend an average of $42.89 per hour.

Government employees average 33 percent higher but their pension and retirement benefit costs are a mind-numbing 254 percent higher.

Hat tip


Proof Vote Fraud Happens

The mummified body of Pia Farrenkopf was found, March 5, in the backseat of her Jeep Liberty inside her garage in Pontiac, Mich.

She had been dead for six years. She had only been missing for four, however, as she managed to vote in the 2010 gubernatorial election.

City of Pontiac officials say it was a  clerical error.

Pontiac is not what you would call a Tea Party city.

It is pretty safe to say that photo voter ID would have worked in this case.

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Visit for Proof Vote Fraud Happens