William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 3-19-14

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 3-19-14

Before 1960, no former U.S. Navy man had ever been president or een a presidential candidate. Then came John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter. Ronald Reagan served as an Army captain. (Since 1987, you can add George H.W. Bush, Ross Perot, John Kerry and John McCain as Navy men who became presidents or presidential candidates)

Visit BillLawrenceTrivia.com for more Omnibit Trivia


Pecan Chocolate Chip Cookies by Mrs. Chef Bill Sr. go great with a Cryptowit Quote Puzzle. Click here for the recipe

Escaping Telemarketers

The first step for escaping telemarketers is get on the national do not call list according to telemarketer Erica Elson.

The second step is say exactly these words: “Please put me on your do not call list.”

You really don’t have to say please, but the rest of the phrase is necessary.

Erica says hanging up, yelling or cutting off a conversation merely puts you on a call back list.

She says successful telemarketers get turned down 96 percent of the time.


Visit BillLawrenceDittos.com for Escaping Telemarketers
Visit BillLawrenceOnline.com for Escaping Telemarketers


Executive Session Recording Pushed

The Pennsylvania House State Government Committee held a hearing last week on a bill to establish strict criteria and reporting guidelines for public bodies that enter into private “executive session” meetings.

House Bill 1671 would narrow the instances when an executive session could be called. It would also require an audio recording of the executive session so if an allegation arises that the meeting was improperly held, it can be verified later by a judge. In addition, the bill would require the solicitor to advise the body on whether the topic it plans to discuss in executive session is appropriate. That advice would also be recorded.

Currently, no record of executive session is kept, so any allegations of impropriety are very difficult to prove.

Visit BillLawrenceDittos.com for Executive Session Recording Pushed
Visit BillLawrenceOnline.com for Executive Session Recording Pushed

Wagner Wins Shockingly

Wagner Wins ShockinglyWagner Wins Shockingly — Scott Wagner has won a landslide write-in campaign, tonight, March 18 in a special election for the 28th District State Senate Seat that had been long held by Republican Mike Waugh.

Waugh stepped down Jan. 13 to take a sweet job as executive director of the Pennsylvania Farm Show complex.

Wagner got 10,595 votes, according to his website. Ron Miller, the choice of the GOP establishment got 5,920 and Democrat Linda Small got 5,704.

He will serve the remainder of Waugh’s term which ends in December. He will stand for a full-term of his own in November.