Europeans Lose Trust In Web reports that a January study conducted by Loudhouse Research for Orange, showed that consumer trust in every sector monitored in Europe had fallen more than it had increased in the 12 months leading up to polling.

Social networks saw the biggest drop, with 46 percent of mobile phone owners in France, Poland, Spain and the UK saying they trusted them less. More than three in 10 said their trust in financial institutions had declined. Nearly one-fifth trusted mobile device manufacturers less, and 26 percent.

We can thank Barack Obama and his rich Silicon Valley minions.

You want to blame Bush too? Feel free, but let’s not forget that when the FISA Amendments Act of 2008 was passed Democrat Nancy Pelosi headed the House of Representatives and Democrat (and former Ku Klux Klansman) Robert Byrd ran the Senate.


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Visit for Europeans Lose Trust In Web


Taxing Stupidity Illustrated

New York State taxes the sale of cigarettes at $4.35 per pack.

It is estimated that 57 percent of those in New York State smoke cigs smuggled in — even from Pennsylvania believe it or not. This means that New York gets zero revenue from most of its cigarette smokers. If the state were to halve the tax it would likely get more revenue than it does at its current rate.

This also means that well over half of New York smokers are willing to break the law rather than obey one they find pointless and oppressive.

Just something for all the nanny-state, government-educated can’t-think-for-themselves “progressives”  to consider.

New York City adds $1.50 per pack on top of it. One strongly suspects that nobody in the city is buying their smokes with a state stamp.

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