April 17 2014 Omnibit by William Lawrence Sr

April 17 2014 Omnibit by William Lawrence Sr

The first postage stam ever issued was the “Black Penny” which went on sale May 1, 1840 in Great Britain. Although more than 68 million were printed they are not scarce. In 1987 they were worth $175.

Visit BillLawrenceTrivia.com for more Omnibit Trivia

Corbett Gang Files Appeal

This is not a caricature of Gov. Tom Corbett but of the late Leslie Nelson in his role as Frank Drebin from the Naked Gun movies. You can be forgiven, however,  for thinking otherwise.

It’s official.

Gov. Tom Corbett has, figuratively, taken a 10-guage double-barreled shotgun and blown off both of his feet.

The party hacks, who for some unfathomable reason are desperately trying to keep Corbett on November’s Republican ticket, appealed, yesterday, April 16, the well-grounded decision handed down the day before by Commonwealth Court Judge Mary Hannah Leavitt that lets reformer Bob Guzzardi stay on the May 20 primary ballot.

Guzzardi, it should be noted, is purposely running a shoestring campaign and refusing all campaign donations.

Only two things can happened with the case now officially before the state Supreme Court.

— Corbett wins it. This means the Supremes overturn a decision made after a fair hearing that revealed Guzzardi did not use fraud to get on the ballot and that a significant number of Pennsylvania voters want him there. This would cement in the minds of those voters that the judicial system is corrupt and the Republican establishment cannot be trusted to protect them from government which is after all their reason for voting Republican. This not only kills Corbett but severely damages the party.

— Corbett loses it. This means Guzzardi gets publicity he otherwise would not have, and still causes the GOP base to wonder why the party establishment wants so badly to keep this guy off the ballot.

Visit BillLawrenceDittos.com for Corbett Gang Files Appeal
Visit BillLawrenceOnline.com for Corbett Gang Files Appeal

Yuengling Rules Where It Perches

Yuengling Rules Where It Perches — TheAtlantic.com carried a story, April 15, that featured a chart showing the products produced by Pottsville-based D. G. Yuengling & Son to be the beer of choice in the states where it has significant distribution, namely Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, Tennessee, Georgia and Florida.

The funny thing is that except for the chart the brewery was not even mentioned in the story, The State of American Beer.

It is pretty hard to beat Yuengling as a go-to beer.


Yuengling Rules Where It Perches


Yuengling Rules Where It Perches