Easter Liberty Message

These message regarding liberty for Easter 2014 comes from Len Ritchey of CitizenControlledTaxation.com and submitted courtesy of Carris Kocher.

Easter Symbolizes Liberty as much as any freedom movement ever promoted Liberty.  Liberty is attacked in Earth’s four corners, while billions of people strive to have it foremost in their lives.  People protest despotic authority; it responds with lawful force.

“We, the People . . . United States of America.”
U.S. Constitution

Liberty Connotes Choice.  Despotic authoritarians use force of law to narrow people’s choices, to constrain their options within ideological boundaries.  Easter’s message promises fruits from Liberty’s opportunities.  Oppressors fear Liberty’s power.

“We, the American People”
live under commonwealth, state, and federal Constitutions framed to extend Liberty to every American.  These Constitutions are interpreted by power-seeking people as license to supervise their fellow citizens’ behavior, not protect their Liberty – ability to choose.

“The federal government is acknowledged by all to be one of enumerated powers.”
Chief Justice John Marshall

Liberty, As Epitomized By Easter’s message, is self-determination.
  Constitutions, while expressing Liberty, can’t be expected to deliver Liberty.  No Constitution ever shouldered a weapon in Liberty’s defense.  Resolute, freedom-minded, proactive sovereign citizens deliver Liberty.

“The chance of his being wiser than all his neighbors together is still smaller.”
Thomas Macaulay

People Intending To Live In Liberty do not allow legislators – or other public officials within These United States of America, to enact, impose, or increase taxes without securing a majority vote approval in all jurisdictions affected.  They exercise sovereignty, not obedience.


http://www.brillig.com/debt_clock: Every American Citizen Now “Owes” “The (federal) State” $55,081.


April 20 2014 Omnibit by William Lawrence Sr

April 20 2014 Omnibit by William Lawrence Sr

The fine warm water bottom fish we call the giant grouper is a female in its youth and grows up to be a male.

Visit BillLawrenceTrivia.com for more Omnibit Trivia

Christos Voskrese 2014

Christos Voskrese 2014 — Father John Ciurpita doing the traditional Easter basket blessing after today’s 11 a.m. Mass at Saints Peter and Paul Easter Rite Catholic Church in Clifton Heights, Pa.

Christos voskrese, which means Christ has Risen, is the Easter
greeting in Church Slavonic which brings the response Voistinu voskrese
or Indeed, He has risen.

Easter, of course, celebrates the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus and the salvation of Man.
The date for Easter is the Sunday following the first full moon
after the spring equinox, which is always reckoned, regardless of
astronomical observations, to be March 31 as per the Western churches
that use the Gregorian calendar, so Easter always falls between March 22
and April 25.
The dating for Easter correlates with the means the Jews once used
to set the date for Passover, which correlates with Scripture since
Scripture indicates that the Crucifixion of the Lord occurred as the
lambs were being slaughtered for the celebration of that holiday.
In fact, in most Western languages the name for the day is a
cognate of the Pesach which is the Hebrew name for Passover. In Latin it
would be Pascha so Paschal lamb would be Passover lamb.
In English and German, the word comes from Eostre month, which was
basically April, and which the pagans who spoke Germanic languages had
named for the goddess Eostre much as our own March and April are named
for the Greek god and goddess Mars and Aphrodite, respectively.
In Slavic, the holiday is called “Great Night” (Velikonoce in Slovak) or “Great Day” (Velikden in Ukrainian).
There are some caveats regarding the date. The Eastern churches
that use the Julian calendar set the equinox  at April 3, and, of
course, the spring equinox is based on that of the Northern Hemisphere.
So, Christos Voskrese.