William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 4-22-14

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 4-22-14


Baseball’s first run was scored by Wes Fisler of the Philadelphia Athletics on April 22, 1876. It was the same day Tchaikovsky completed Swan Lake.

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Pennsylvania Stops Manufacturing Job Slide

Pennsylvania added 1,300 manufacturing jobs in March reversing a four-month slide, the state Department of Labor and Industry reported April 18.

“We wish we were seeing
more robust growth but we’ll take that for now,” said David N. Taylor,
executive director of the Pennsylvania Manufacturers’ Association in

The state had 560,700 persons employed in the sector as of last month. Despite uptick, that is still 4,100 jobs less than in March 2013.

Taylor said more jobs would have been added had it not been for concern over the cost of the Affordable Care Act and new federal environmental regulations.

Michael Smeltzer, executive director of the York-based Manufacturers’ Association said companies are turning to staffing agencies for temporary workers rather than hiring full-time.

While the trade, transportation and utilities sector and other services sector also grew, 1,700 and 1,200 jobs respectively, jobs were down by 5,000 in professional services, 2,200 in financial activities and 2,000 in education and health services.



Visit BillLawrenceDittos.com for Pennsylvania Stops Manufacturing Job Slide
Visit BillLawrenceOnline.com for Pennsylvania Stops Manufacturing Job Slide