Delco Pats Draw Flea Market Crowd

Delco Pats Draw

The Delaware County Patriots on this fine April Sunday drew heavy traffic to their booth at the Newtown Square Fire Co. Auxiliary Flea Market in the Newtown Square Shopping Center. What drew the crowds was their explanation as to the pain being inflicted on Pennsylvania’s children by  the Bill Gates-sponsored, neo-feudalistic Common Core  educational standards now being imposed  by Gov. Tom Corbett. The standards would be laughable if the damage was not real.

The Patriots will be sponsoring an evening with Commonwealth Foundation CEO Matt Brouillette, tomorrow, April 28 at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 327 N. Newtown Street Road (Route 252), Newtown Square,  Pa. 19073. Commonwealth Foundation is one of the premier think tanks in the state. The event is free. Light refreshments will be served including Mrs. Chef Bill’s Homemade Chocolate Chip Cookies. Doors open at 6:30. Meeting starts promptly at 7.

Call 610-572-3442 for information.




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