Privacy Dead On The Web

For those who think surfing habits are anonymous go to this site and take the test. Yes, privacy is dead on the web unless one takes special precautions that most of us find aggravating and feel unnecessary. Privacy Dead On The Web -- For those who think surfing habits are anonymous go to this site and take the test. Yes, privacy is dead on the web unless one takes special precautions that most of us find aggravating and feel unnecessary

Granted, though it is nice to know that there are precautions one can take if one should feel the need and these can be for very good reasons i.e. a dissident in an Islamic nation, not just for perverse or violent ones.

In a related matter, Apple is collaborating with U.S. researchers to launch apps that would get their DNA tested.

Privacy Dead On The Web

Madoff Victims Included Greedy Liberals

Eliot Spitzer Madoff Victims Included Greedy Liberals
Eliot Spitzer

Bernie Madoff financed his Ponzi scheme with promises of what should have been unbelievable returns.  One of his victims was disgraced New York Governor Eliot Spitzer who before he became known as Client-9 was known for aggressive prosecutions of Wall Street investment firms and having a high IQ.

It appears that Eliot was susceptible to dreams of easy money as any greedy capitalists.

Here is a list of Madoff’s more famous victims. Some, one can feel sorry for. The ones who want to take money form the middle class in the name of social justice so they can wear shiny halos, not so much.

Madoff Victims Included Greedy Liberals

Apple Phishing Site Mixes Truth With Lies

Give credit where credit is due but we have received this great Apple Phishing solicitation. Apple Phishing Site It reads: Dear customer, You’ve placed your Apple ID under the risk of termination by not keeping your information up to date. To complete the process, we just need to verify your information. Simply click the link below and sign in using your Apple ID and password to start the process. It provides a link “Verify Now” then continues: “Wondering why you got this email? When you don’t regularly update your Apple ID information, Apple will require you to sign in by following the link in a verification email and update your information. This is to help protect your identity and keep your account secure. For more information, see our frequently asked questions. Thanks, Apple Customer Support.

What is brilliant about this particular scam is that the return address in the email is to and frequently asked questions link is to The Verify Now link, however, is to and the sign in page looks like this: Apple Phishing Site

When you sign in the bad guys get your Id and can rack up what they want at the iTunes store.

Beware of links in unsolicited emails and always check the address before typing in information.  Here is a description of “Phishing”

Apple Phishing Site Mixes Truth With Lies

Child Dismemberment Battle Continues

By Rev. Frank PavoneChild Dismemberment Battle Continues

On April 7, 2015 — which was Easter Tuesday, during the most intense days when the Church is celebrating the victory of life over death — Governor Sam Brownback of Kansas signed into law the “Unborn Child Protection from Dismemberment Abortion Act.” This legislation, drafted by our friends at the National Right to Life Committee and carried forward in Kansas by our friends there at Kansans for Life, was the first of its kind in the nation, and protects children from the “D and E (Dilation and Evacuation)” abortion procedure, the most common type of abortion in the second trimester of pregnancy.

Since the late 1990s, when the debate on partial-birth abortion was raging, I began writing, speaking, and consulting with doctors and pro-life strategists about the fact that once we protect children from partial-birth abortion, the second phase of the process had to be protecting them from the D and E abortion procedure. I was therefore delighted to be asked by Gov. Sam Brownback to join him for a ceremony in which he repeated the signing of this bill on Tuesday, April 28. (Governor Brownback is a long time friend and ally with whom we collaborated on many projects when he was in Washington.) He made four stops at various parts of the state to have signing ceremonies to raise awareness among the public of the significance of this particular legislation. I had a chance to have a private meeting with him that day, in which I let him know how much of a priority we at Priests for Life are making it to see that this legislation is enacted in as many other states as possible around the nation. Oklahoma quickly followed Kansas in enacting this legislation the week after Gov. Brownback first signed it into law.

Interestingly, news reports, the day I was in Kansas, as well as news reports about this legislation during the months leading up to it, have a habit of saying things like this procedure is one that “the Governor describes as dismemberment”. Yet the reason he describes it as dismemberment is that the abortionists describe it as dismemberment. For instance, abortionist Dr. Warren Hern states on page 154 of his medical textbook Abortion Practice, “The procedure changes significantly at 21 weeks because the fetal tissues become much more cohesive and difficult to dismember….A long curved Mayo scissors may be necessary to decapitate and dismember the fetus…”

But opponents of the law cannot even say the word. When the debate was held in the Kansas senate, pro-abortion Democratic Senators Marci Francisco (D-Lawrence) and David Haley (D-Kansas City) spoke, but neither discussed the actual dismemberment method that the law prohibits. And a Planned Parenthood of Kansas and mid-Missouri press release could not even mention the name of the bill which it was opposing, lest people see the word ‘dismemberment.’

Instead, these pro-abortion extremists talk about how the law “will greatly hurt women.” That’s nothing more than projection, from people who turn the other way when females in the womb are being dismembered.

For more information on this procedure, on the law, and on our efforts to protect children from dismemberment, visit

Father Pavone is national director of Priests for Life.

Child Dismemberment Battle Continues

Feliz Cinco de Mayo

Feliz Cinco de Mayo -- Just remember as you sip your Corona on this Cinco de Mayo that if the Germans celebrated their victories over the French, Mercedes Benz would never get a car built.  In fairness, Cinco de Mayo is more of an American holiday than a Mexican one and we can blame the greedy capitalists at Corona for it.  That, and the fact Americans like beer.
Feliz Cinco de Mayo

Just remember as you sip your Corona on this Cinco de Mayo that if the Germans celebrated their victories over the French, Mercedes Benz would never get a car built.

In fairness, Cinco de Mayo is more of an American holiday than a Mexican one and we can blame the greedy capitalists at Corona for it.

That, and the fact Americans like beer.

Mohammad Drawing Winner Is This

Bosch Fawstin, a former Muslim, was the winner of the $10,000 top prize at the inaugural Muhammad Art Exhibit & Contest, May 3, for this depiction of the angry cult leader. Mohammad Drawing Winner Is This

The event was organized by the  American Freedom Defense Initiative and held at the Curtis Caldwell Center in Garland, Texas. The Caldwell Center is where Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) held a “Stand with a Prophet” conference in January shortly after two Muslims murdered 11 at the Charlie Hebdo satirical magazine in France.

Just as in Paris, two Muslims tried to commit a slaughter of innocents at the Texas event. Unlike in Paris, however, they were shot and killed by a security guard.

We cannot confirm rumors that raw bacon was shoved in the mouths of the cadavers.

Mohammad Drawing Winner Is This