Hillary Abortions

Hillary Abortions Hillary CacklingHillary Abortions — If you think Ted Cruz has problems with the stories being spread about his sex life, check out Kyle Olson’s expose regarding the lady that the Democrat establishment wants to foist on us.

It puts to bed in a conclusive way the long-pondered question “Is Hillary how she is because Bill does what he does or does Bill do what he does because Hillary is the way she is?”

Reading it, we actually felt sorry for the old Arkansas Love Machine.

Olson’s source is Sally Miller, a former Miss Arkansas who was one of Slick Willie’s girlfriends and who knew Hillary also.

Sally says Hillary is cold, calculating and interested solely in herself. She said she had several abortions and was talked into keeping Chelsea by Bill for political reasons. She said she was a lesbian who does not like men.

One does have to admit this is a lot easier to buy than Cruz as a Latin lover.

Hillary Abortions