Wayne Langerholc Temptation Test

Wayne Langerholc Temptation Test

By Lowman S. Henry

As the saying goes you never get a second chance to make a first impression.  That is very bad news for freshman State Senator Wayne Langerholc who arguably has made the worst first impression of any legislator in the history of Penn’s Woods.  

Wayne Langerholc Temptation TestLangerholc is one of three Republican senators who captured seats in last November’s election formerly held by Democrats.  Their election has given the GOP a veto proof majority in the state senate helping to further tilt the scales in Harrisburg against the big spending policies of Governor Tom Wolf.

But the champagne corks were put back into the bottles when Langerholc decided to renege on a key campaign pledge even before being sworn into office.  The result has been an uproar not seen since the rebellion over the middle-of-the-night pay raise a decade ago.

First some background:  Langerholc began 2016 as a challenger to long time State Senator John Wozniak in a district sandwiched between Johnstown and Altoona.  The district had been trending Republican giving rise to GOP hopes of a pick-up. Wozniak himself realized the hopelessness of his situation and bailed out of the race long before Election Day.

Early on Langerholc made a pledge to the Citizens Alliance of Pennsylvania (CAP), a Harrisburg-based pro-growth PAC that he would not accept a pension if elected.  CAP generally requires such a pension declination of its candidates because it supports pension reform that would move away from the current defined benefits to a defined contribution (401k) style system.  (By way of full disclosure I serve on the board of CAP PAC’s affiliated nonprofit.)

Having declined the pension and otherwise fitting the profile of a CAP candidate the PAC invested over $15,000 in Langerholc’s general election campaign including sending a glossy mailer to voters in his district highlighting his pledge not to take the state pension.

But then he did.

Langerholc’s reason for breaking his pledge to the taxpayers of his district is clear as mud.  As the uproar over his apostasy went viral he offered various explanations.  The wayward senator claimed he still supports pension reform and told a Harrisburg television station that he wants all legislators and newly hired state employees in a 401k-style retirement system.

So why not lead by example?  Langerholc then offered up another statement employing pretzel logic that resembled John Kerry’s infamous “I voted for the bill before I voted against it” comment by claiming he had to sign up for the pension in order to eventually join a 401k-style system.  To justify that position he cited provisions in proposed legislation.

But the bottom line is whatever the requirements will be for those currently in the state employees retirement system to move into a 401k-style plan the law will be written by the legislature which, for the moment at least, includes Senator Langerholc.  He has quickly learned an old Harrisburg trick: claim to be captive of the very laws you write.

The initial ABC27 report on Langerholc’s pension pledge violation quickly spread with the senator’s subsequent interviews on the subject becoming more and more convoluted.  His response included everything except an admission that he lapped up a perk which many consider to be unconstitutional in the first place.  The result was not only a media firestorm, but a viral reaction on Facebook with the senator being called many names not suitable for recounting here.

This dust-up brings into focus the larger issue of candidates for legislative seats signing pledges or responding to candidate questionnaires.  The vast majority of organizations from local TEA parties to those who employ professional lobbyists will ask candidates to take a position on issues of importance to them.

The political consulting class and many party leaders are more and more advising if not requiring their candidates to not sign pledges or to fill out questionnaires.  They don’t want their clients taking stands on tough issues and likely will use the Langerholc kerfuffle as a prime example of what happens when you do.

But when it comes to pledges and questionnaires the solution is not for candidates to refuse to answer.  The solution is actually very simple: tell us where you stand, tell us what you will do, and then keep your word.

(Lowman S. Henry is Chairman & CEO of the Lincoln Institute and host of the weekly Lincoln Radio Journal.  His e-mail address is lhenry@lincolninstitute.org.)

Wayne Langerholc Temptation Test

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 1-9-17

Microwaving Better — You’re better off microwaving your broccoli than boiling it.

Or stir frying it.

At least that’s what the government found when it measured nutrient loss using common cooking methods.

For the record, steaming was the best method with regard to keeping the good stuff.

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 1-9-17 Microwaving Better

Kentucky Slams Union Corruption

Kentucky Slams Union Corruption — Kentucky, Saturday, Jan. 7, became the nation’s 27th right-to-work state when Gov. Matt Bevin signed a bill passed by the newly seated state legislature. November’s election put the GOP in control for the first time in almost a century.

“Right to work” means employees may refuse to pay union dues. This is a good thing. Mandatory dues do not advance the cause of the working person. Anyone not brain dead can see this considering what has been happening to unions over the last 50 years.

Mandatory union dues, however, do provide nice lifestyles for union bosses and fund the political campaigns of those who would like to put working people out of work. Kentucky Slams Union Corruption

Kentucky last week end struck a big blow against corruption. Pennsylvania are you listening?

Kentucky Slams Union Corruption


Strike the King Better Kill Him, CIA

Strike the king you better kill him.

Bummer CIA. You missed.

Strike the King Better Kill Him, CIA
Hey CIA, you missed.

As did the rest of the Washington/Wall Street swamp.

The government-connected media has been filling the airwaves all week with reports that Russia “hacked” our election. It’s based on CIA claims that leave dupes with the implicit conclusion that Donald Trump is not a legitimate president.

“Russia’s goals were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency,” according to the government (i.e. Obama Administration) report. “We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump. We have high confidence in these judgments.”

The claim has seriously underwhelmed cyber security people.

And the guy who is taking over in a couple of weeks is not happy so expect a lot of out-of-work spy types.

What should be especially disconcerting to the intelligence community is that conservatives who have had an almost knee-jerk instinct to defend it are now starting to say, well, maybe the progressives have a point about them.

Especially damning is the realization that the “intelligence” agencies tasked to understand what is going on in the world are either clueless about what is happening outside the little swamp in which they live, or they are so terrified of losing their wealth and power they are resorting to desperate measures to undermine a duly elected president.

If you are really concerned as to whether the Russians “hacked” into the Democrat National Committee database to reveal that Hillary Clinton told foreign groups that her campaign promises are lies and had squelched a primary opponent via unfair party manipulation, ask yourself if you’d rather had not known she did these things.

Ask yourself  if the intelligence community was really concerned about security why did it tolerate the Secretary of State having a private email server not subject to government oversight and in violation of every protocol imaginable, not to mention common sense.

Ask yourself why the Russians (and the Saudis and the Chinese) wouldn’t want someone to whom they siphoned millions for tangible benefits.

Ask yourself why the Democrat Party would twist arms so badly to get this person as their nominee.

Jan. 20 can’t come soon enough.

Strike the King Better Kill Him, CIA


Christmas Snow Tornado Tom

Christmas Snow Tornado Tom — Christmas doesn’t end until Jan. 6 and Tornado Tom of rom Unionville High School in Chester County, Pa. says there will be snow for it. He is predicting 2 to 3 inches for tonight.

Christmas Snow Tornado Tom


Hannity Assange Interview 1-3-17

Hannity Assange Interview 1-3-17 — For those who missed it, here is Sean Hannity’s interview with Julian Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy in London.

Great job, Sean. Wished you’d asked if Assange’s source was still alive, though.

Hannity Assange Interview 1-3-17

Hannity Assange Interview 1-3-17