William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 2-11-17

Who was Newton Earp? He was Wyatt’s, Morgan’s and Virgil’s older brother. He was not at the O.K. Corral. He was a farmer then moved to California and became a carpenter. He died in 1928 at the age of 90.

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 2-11-17

Schubert Featured By Delco Symphony

Schubert Featured By Delco Symphony

By Joseph B. Dychala

The Delaware County Symphony returns to the stage at Neumann University’s Meagher Theater, 3 p.m., tomorrow, Feb. 12.

The 2016 – 2017 season continues with a Chamber Concert featuring several exciting selections and special guests. The program will feature Dasha Bukhartseva and Artist in Residence Jennifer Nicole Campbell on piano for four hands, plus the Academy of International Ballet.

The concert opens with Franz Schubert’s “Fantasy in F Minor”. Next up will be an original composition performed by Jennifer Nicole Campbell entitled “Butterfly Whispers”. Maurice Ravel’s “Three Poems of Mallarme” featuring Katherine Skovira, mezzo-soprano and Smetana’s “Vltava” from Ma vlast round out the afternoon. The concert concludes with the well loved “Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2” by Franz Liszt.

Tickets may be obtained day of show and are $12 each with a special price of $10 for seniors and students. Children under 12, accompanied by a paying adult receive free admission. This is an excellent way to bring the classics to a new generation of listeners.

Schubert Featured By Delco Symphony

Seth Williams Third Term Dream Ends

Seth Williams Third Term Dream Ends — Philly D.A. Seth Williams announced this morning (Feb. 10)  that he won’t seek a third term.

Seth Williams Third Term Dream Ends
Seth Williams

The Philadelphia Board of Ethics, last month, fined him $62,000 — its largest fine ever — for violations, including failing to disclose gifts and income, and accepting gifts from prohibited sources.

Williams cited the action as the reason for making this his last term.

“I have made regrettable mistakes in my personal life and personal financial life that cast an unnecessary shadow,” he said.

Williams, who is the city’s first black District Attorney, was known for his willingness to ignore Democrat taboos. He brought down long-protected serial killer abortionist Kermit Gosnell and he refused to let Pennsylvania’s dirty Attorney General Kathleen Kane cry racism to escape her wrongdoing.

We suspect that if Williams played ball with Democrat limousine liberals he’d still have his career. Ed Rendell was never stopped, after all.

You might think the Republicans would snag Williams off the waiver wire and give him a shot at a comeback but don’t expect that. The Republican leadership shares the same clubhouse with the Democrat limo libs.


Seth Williams Third Term Dream Ends

Magic Wolf Claims Spending Cut With Higher Budget

Magic Wolf Claims Spending Cut With Higher Budget

By Leo Knepper

Magic Wolf Claims Spending Cut With Higher Budget By Leo Knepper
Magic man says he’s cutting while adding.

On Feb. 7, Gov. Wolf gave his latest budget address. Since he has his eye on re-election, this was the Governor’s most realistic budget to date. There are still a lot of problems with what he’s asking for, but it’s much less terrible that what he has wanted in the past.


For starters, Wolf acknowledges that there is room to cut spending and this is a step in the right direction. The problem arises when we look “under the hood, ” and then the cuts disappear. The state budget is made up of several different parts: the general fund, special funds, federal funds, and other funds. These various parts all add up to give us the total operating budget. The current year’s total operating budget is $80.1 billion. In his budget address, Gov. Wolf notes that there will be a $3 billion deficit next year. He purportedly solves the problem with $2 billion in spending cuts and “savings initiatives” and increases taxes by $1 billion to make up the difference.

Let’s direct our attention to Gov. Wolf’s spending “cuts.” If the current budget is $80.1 billion and the Governor’s proposed budget cuts $2 billion in spending, the proposed budget should be $78.1 billion. Here is where the magical math comes into play. Instead of being $78.1 billion, the Governor’s proposed budget is $81 billion, an increase in spending of nearly $900 million. How does a $2 billion cut turn into a $900 million spending increase?

The purported spending cuts turn into a spending increase due to “baseline budgeting.” In baseline budgeting, the previous year’s budget is the starting point and the next budget increases from that point by a certain percentage. In other words, politicians like Gov. Wolf can claim they are cutting spending, but in reality, they are only increasing it by a smaller percentage than they wanted. It’s the equivalent of Orwellian newspeak. Gov. Wolf and others rely on the ignorance of taxpayers to get away with it.

If the Commonwealth spent $2 billion less next year than they are this year, then there wouldn’t be any need to discuss tax increases. Please, contact Gov. Wolf and the General Assembly immediately. Tell them that cutting spending means cutting spending and not making it grow more slowly.

Mr. Knepper is executive director of Citizens Alliance of Pennsylvania.

Magic Wolf Claims Spending Cut With Higher Budget

Wolf Wants $1 Billion In New Taxes Says CF

Wolf Wants $1 Billion In New Taxes Says CF
$1 Billion’s not much if it’s not my money.

Wolf Wants $1 Billion In New Taxes Says CF — Nathan Benefield of Commonwealth Foundation notes that the budget Gov. Tom Wolf unveiled yesterday, Feb. 7, would raise living expenses by $315 for a family of four.

This is because that Wolf wants to expand the sales tax to several business services and add a 6.5 percent natural gas severance tax, which is an extremely foolish idea.

The bottom line is that Wolf wants a billion dollars more in taxes.

There is no need for this. Pennsylvania’s expenses are bloated and can be easily cut. While Wolf gives lip service to doing so, he rejects simple yet effective solutions such as public pension reform, or the repeal of the prevailing wage law that adds 20 percent to the cost of almost all public projects.

Or once again forbidding teacher strikes that cause the cost of school taxes to rise far above the rate of inflation.

There is not even consideration for small but real money-saving things such as ending the mandate to pay old media for carrying public notices which is something that can be cheaply handled by all government bodies via the web, and be far more useful to citizens than the existing standard.

Pennsylvania voters have to make it a point to reject leaders whose loyalty lies with the special interests and governing class, and not them.

Wolf Wants $1 Billion In New Taxes Says CF

Trump Explains Law To Judges

Trump Explains Law To Judges
President Trump with Chesco Sheriff Bunny Welsh.

Trump Explains Law To Judges — Donald Trump just finished (Feb. 8) a powerful and inspiring speech to the National Sheriffs’ Association. He praised law enforcement and said those involved had a friend in the White House. He warned they most hold themselves to high standards, remove the bad actors among them and be good role models.

He said youth murders were a national tragedy and that every child — even those in Detroit, Chicago and Baltimore — had a right to play outside in peace and attend school without fear, or pressure to join a gang.

He said he wasn’t joking about building the wall on the Mexican border and that it was being designed as he spoke.

Probably most significantly he took on the activist judges and pundits snarling his ban on those seeking entry from seven terrorist-controlled nations.  It was about time. Thank God he has the spine. He read the law INA 212 (f) verbatim:

Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate. Whenever the Attorney General finds that a commercial airline has failed to comply with regulations of the Attorney General relating to requirements of airlines for the detection of fraudulent documents used by passengers traveling to the United States (including the training of personnel in such detection), the Attorney General may suspend the entry of some or all aliens transported to the United States by such airline.

He cracked a cracked joke about the pronoun “he” being politically incorrect and noted that what was being discussed by the pundit/legal class had nothing to do with the perfectly clear statement that he read.

He said he had planned to give a month’s, and then a week’s, notice regarding his ban but was dissuaded by his security advisors as it would have allowed terrorists planning entry to move up their timetable.

As the President implied, it is political-based decisions by judges that are causing the courts to come into disrespect, not anything he is saying.

In a side note, Chester County’s wonderful Sheriff Bunny Welsh was seen worldwide sitting next to the President, yesterday, when he met with leaders of theNational Sheriffs’ Association at the White House.

Trump Explains Law To Judges