Swamp Smears Are SOP

Swamp Smears Are SOP — Erick Prince’s book Civilian Warriors is the story of the Blackwater security firm now called Academi.

He says that when Democrats accuse it is less about revealing truth and solving problems, and more about the acquisition of profit and political power.

He notes, for instance, that lawyers for those suing Blackwater colluded with Congressional Democrats to safely spread maliciously false claims without fear of being sued for defamation.

Which gets us to this week’s circus.

Democrats and their media auxiliaries have been claiming the Russians “hacked” the election which implies that Donald Trump’s victory is illegitimate.

First, they claim the connection was found via “wiretapping”.  When Trump tweeted in agreement, however, it dawned on them that an administration spying on the other party’s candidate is a serious abuse of power, and hence repudiated their original claim.

Yesterday, March 20, FBI Director James Comey and NSA Director Mike Rogers testified before the House Intelligence Committee. There was no evidence that the Russians changed votes in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Florida, North Carolina or Ohio, they said.

One kind of wishes someone asked if there was any indication that illegals voted in Nevada, New Hampshire, Virginia, California, New York or Illinois. One also would have like to see Comey answer if the feds investigated whether any dead people voted in Chicago.

Comey, by the way, would not say that Trump’s wiretap claim was false.

Also at the hearing, it was revealed that Obama’s National Security Advisor Susan Rice and Attorney General Loretta Lynch had the power to unmask sources U.S. citizen in data collected by the NSA. This means they could have leaked it to the press.

Another potential source for leaks is James Clapper who was Obama’s Director of National Intelligence. Clapper was reputedly there when Donald Trump was given a since-discredited bizarre dossier presumably showing that Russia had blackmail material on him. The dossier was leaked to friendly press. Comey would neither confirm or deny that Clapper was at the meeting.

Clapper is infamous for his perjury before Congress in March 2013 that the National Security Agency had not collected data on millions of Americans without warrants.

The lie was the final straw for Eric Snowden who then went public with proof that they did.

Quick tip, Mr. President: Pardon Snowden. The enemy of your enemy is your friend.

Clapper, of course, was never charged for his lie. Swamp dwellers protect their own.

Final point, those who are not complete fools agree that it was impossible for the Russians — or anybody — to hack the voting machines and change votes. They claim instead that the Russians released unflattering information about Hillary Clinton via Wikileaks. Among the more damning tidbits were her telling foreign interests at Banco Itau in a private speech that her “dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders”, and telling Goldman Sachs principles that (Chinese) President Xi is doing much more to try to assert his authority, and I think that is also good news.”

Xi, of course, is the guy trying to turn the South China Sea into a personal lake.

Would the FBI have investigated if she had won? LOL. Swamp dwellers protect their own.

Swamp Smears Are SOP

Swamp Smears Are SOP





Spring 2017 Starts Now

Spring 2017 Starts Now –According to our server’s clock it is now 6:29 a.m., EDT, March 20, which means the vernal equinox just happened and Spring 2017 has begun.

Equinox is Latin for “equal night.” Days and nights are approximately equal everywhere and the Sun rises and sets due east and west, explains The Old Farmers Almanac. At the equinoxes, the tilt of Earth relative to the Sun is zero, which means that Earth’s axis neither points toward nor away from the Sun.

Vernal comes from the Latin vernalis which means spring.

Spring 2016 Starts Now

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 3-18-17

There are five basics tastes. Sweet, sour, salty and bitter are the ones easy to guess. The fifth? It’s umami. It’s a Japanese word and is used to describe the taste of glutamic acid which provides a pleasant “meaty” flavor to food.

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 3-18-17

There are five basics tastes. Sweet, sour, salty and bitter are the ones easy to guess. The fifth? It's umami. It's a Japanese word and is used to describe the taste of glutamic acid which provides a pleasant "meaty" flavor to food.

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 3-17-17

So what does green have to do with Saint Patrick? It’s the color of the shamrock that he used to explain the Holy Trinity.

And of course spring, which is but three days away, this year.

A shamrock, by the way, is a sprig of clover.

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 3-17-17

So what does green have to do with Saint Patrick? It's the color of the shamrock that he used to explain the Holy Trinity.


Alex Charlton Ice Cream Social 3-23-17

Alex Charlton Ice Cream Social 3-23-17 — State Rep. Alex Charlton is holding an open house and ice cream social for residents of his 165th District, 4:30-6:30 p.m., March 23, at his office 905 W. Sproul Road, Suite 203, Springfield, Pa. 19064.

“This is a great opportunity to get to know one another and talk about the many issues facing our communities and the Commonwealth as a whole,” Charlton said. “If you can’t make, you are welcome to stop by the office during regular business hours, Monday through Friday, or contact us by phone or online.”

He notes that among the services his office provides are:

  • Driver’s license and vehicle registration applications and renewals.
    Assistance with PennDOT paperwork (lost cards, changes, corrections, special registration plates, vanity plates and temporary placards for persons with physical disabilities).
  • Information and applications for senior citizen benefit programs, including Property Tax/Rent Rebate and PACE/PACENET prescription drug programs.
  • Information and applications for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).
  • Help with securing birth and death certificates (photo identification required).
  • Information about legislation.
  • Assistance with resolving matters relating to state agencies, such as Veterans Affairs, Human Services, Labor and Industry, Insurance, Environmental Protection or Conservation and Natural Resources.
Alex Charlton Ice Cream Social 3-23-17

Alex Charlton Ice Cream Social 3-23-17

Dylan Byers Fake News

Dylan Byers Fake News — CNN’s Dylan Byers wrote a story implying conservative Fox host Sean Hannity pulled a gun on liberal colleague Juan Williams due to an on-air argument.

“Last year, after ending one of his many spirited on-air arguments with liberal contributor Juan Williams, Hannity pulled out a gun and pointed it directly at Williams, according to three sources with knowledge of the incident,” Byers said. “He even turned on the laser sight, causing a red dot to bob around on Williams’ body.”

Hannity and Williams both said that’s not what happened.

Fox News said that’s not what happened.

But Byers stands by his story. He has anonymous sources, he says. Not a police report — assault and terroristic threats are crimes in New York — not a person with a name, just anonymous sources.

And he expects to be believed. You know that an anonymous source can be a guy in a bar, right? Or it can be a liar with a grudge. It can even be a malicious fiction.

And this guy calls himself a journalist.

A generation educated to be shameless has entered the media. They are caught in a lie and they double down. They are absolutely clueless as to where this path leads. Karma happens.

Dylan Byers Fake News

Dylan Byers Fake News

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 3-16-17

What was the First Reich? It was the Holy Roman Empire from 962 to 1806. The Second? The German Empire from 1871 until the German Revolution of 1919. You all know what the third one was.

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 3-16-17 First Reich

What was the First Reich? It was the Holy Roman Empire from 962 to 1806. The Second? The German Empire from 1871 until the German Revolution of 1919. You all know what the third one was.