Figures never lie William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 7-24-18

Figures never lie William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 7-24-18

Ayvbisl pz aol jvttvu kluvtpuhavy vm spcpun.
Zvylu Rplyrlnhhyk

Figures never lie William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 7-24-18 Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle: sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing ye to the Lord and bless his name: shew forth his salvation from day to day. PsalmsAnswer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: Figures never lie, but liars can figure.
John Quigg


Visit for discussion on philosophy and science.

Overtoun Bridge William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 7-23-18

Up to 600 dogs have leapt to their deaths since the 1950s from Overtoun Bridge in Dumbarton, Scotland. Nobody knows why.

Overtoun Bridge
Well laddie, I think’ll keep me paws off Overtoun Bridge.
Overtoun Bridge William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 7-23-18

Victorious right hand William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 7-23-18

Victorious right hand  William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 7-23-18

Lomaxky tkbkx rok, haz rogxy igt lomaxk.
Punt Waomm

Victorious right hand  William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 7-23-18 William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 7-22-18 Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle: sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing ye to the Lord and bless his name: shew forth his salvation from day to day. PsalmsAnswer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: Fear not, for I am with you, be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.


Check out the Dom Giordano Show on WPHT 1210 AM

Love is to act William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 7-22-18

Love is to act William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 7-22-18

Kjfw sty, ktw N fr bnym dtz, gj sty inxrfdji, ktw N fr dtzw Lti; N bnqq xywjslymjs dtz, N bnqq mjqu dtz, N bnqq zumtqi dtz bnym rd anhytwntzx wnlmy mfsi.

Love is to act William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 7-22-18 Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle: sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing ye to the Lord and bless his name: shew forth his salvation from day to day. PsalmsAnswer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: To love is to act.
Victor Hugo


Check out Kim Kennedy’s It’s A New Day on WFYL 1180 AM

Oldest surviving motor vehicle brand William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 7-21-18

The oldest surviving motor vehicle brand is Autocar. It started in Ardmore Pa. in 1899.  Autocar is now headquartered in Hagerstown Indiana. It only makes trucks now. It hasn’t made a car since 1911.

Oldest surviving motor vehicle brand William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 7-21-18

Oldest surviving motor vehicle brand

Peace Breaking Out, Wonder Why

Peace Breaking Out, Wonder Why — The nations of Ethiopia and Eritrea signed a peace agreement, July 9, ending two decades of brutal, bloody war. You all heard about it, right? Peace seems to be breaking out all over the world. Wonder why.

Peace Breaking Out, Wonder Why

Peace Breaking Out, Wonder Why

Control the textbooks William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 7-21-18

Control the textbooks William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 7-21-18

Xs pszi mw xs egx.
Zmgxsv Lyks

Control the textbooks William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 7-21-18 Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle: sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing ye to the Lord and bless his name: shew forth his salvation from day to day. PsalmsAnswer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: Let me control the textbooks, and I will control the state.
Adolph Hitler


Check out the Dom Giordano Show on WPHT 1210 AM

Most supervolcanos William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 7-20-18

What country has the most supervolcanos, as in those causing “mega-colossal” eruptions? Wrong, Anthony. It is the United States.

The U.S. is the site of three of the seven eruptions estimated as being of 8 magnitude on the volcanic explosivity index.

Granted, they all happened hundreds of thousands of years ago.

most supervolcanos

Most supervolcanos William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 7-20-18

Wheels of inevitability William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 7-20-18

Wheels of inevitability William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 7-20-18

Ohw ph frqwuro wkh whawerrnv, dqg L zloo frqwuro wkh vwdwh.
Dgrosk Klwohu

Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle: sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing ye to the Lord and bless his name: shew forth his salvation from day to day. PsalmsAnswer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom. A man can’t ride you unless your back is bent.
Martin Luther King, Jr.


Check out the Dom Giordano Show on WPHT 1210 AM