Harder the wooing William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 3-27-20

Harder the wooing William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 3-27-20

Hm ntq zfd sgdqd hr mn rtbg sghmf zr ‘jddohmf nts ne onkhshbr.’ Zkk hrrtdr zqd onkhshbzk hrrtdr, zmc onkhshbr hsrdke hr z lzrr ne khdr, duzrhnmr, enkkx, gzsqdc zmc rbghynogqdmhz.
Fdnqfd Nqvdkk

Answer to yesterday’s puzzle: The harder the wooing, the sweeter the winning.
Evelyn Waugh

Harder the wooing William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 3-27-20
Harder the wooing William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 3-26-20