Nike Buys Slaves, You Don’t, Wake Up

Nike Buys Slaves, You Don’t, Wake Up — We reported this July 24 but we’ll reiterate. An investigation by Forbes has revealed that Nike literally buys slaves to make its products. This occurs in China and the slaves are Moslem Uighurs. Among the ways these slaves are advertised is from online postings proclaiming  The advantages of Xinjiang workers are: semi-military style management, can withstand hardship, no loss of personnel … Minimum order 100 workers! 

Does Nike brand its Uighur slaves with this? Just don’t it.

If you buy Nike products you support slavery. Before you read this maybe could plead ignorance but now, not so much.

Not everything made overseas is with slave labor, and there are things you have little choice in buying. Branded apparel is not one of them, though, especially when it comes from a brand that might be the biggest hypocrite in merchandising history.

It’s not hyperbole to say that if you buy Nike you support slavery.

Remember that next time someone talks about “white privilege”. Especially if it is from a guy who became an even bigger one-percenter when he figured out a new scam after he lost a step on the gridiron, or from a billionairess who got her wealth pandering and promoting perversion.

Really, how many slaves have you ever owned? Infinitely less than Nike.

Or John of God, for that matter.

Nike Buys Slaves, You Don’t, Wake Up

Joint creation of poets William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-6-20

Joint creation of poets William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-6-20

K zyyb ohmeco sc loddob drkx xyxo kd kvv.
Tyrx Aesqq

Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit puzzle: Language ought to be the joint creation of poets and manual workers.
George Orwell

Joint creation of poets William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-6-20

Joint creation of poets William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-6-20