Hillary Hired Ghislaine Nephew

Hillary Hired Ghislaine Nephew
Cackle while you can

Hillary Clinton, while secretary of state, hired in May 2009 Ghislaine Maxwell’s nephew, Alexander Djerassi, as special assistant to the Office of the Assistant Secretary of State, Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs. It appears to have been Djerassi’s first job out of college. The Bureau handles issues related to Iran, Israel, Saudi Arabia and other Islamic hot spots.

Djerassi was promoted to chief of staff for the office in May 2011.

He reportedly worked directly on the Obama Administration’s Arab Spring policy, which led to anti-American governments throughout the Mideast..

Hat tip Elaine Mickman

Hillary Hired Ghislaine Nephew

The Iron Scow William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 8-20-20

An 80-foot iron barge which has become known as The Iron Scow has been stuck above Niagara Falls for 102 years. On Aug. 6, 1918 the unpowered barge broke loose from its tug and floated towards Horseshoe Falls meaning certain death for Gustave Loftberg and Frank Harris, the deckhands on board when it became hung up on a rock. The men were dramatically rescued in an overnight mission involving military searchlights, a snarled breeches buoy and 3 a.m. acrobatics over dangerous waters by the legendary William “Red” Hill Sr.

The Iron Scow William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 8-20-20
An 80-foot iron barge which has become known as The Iron Scow has been stuck above Niagara Falls for 102 years.

Found treasure William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-20-20

Found treasure William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-20-20

Rpsrf gq qm fypb rm rcjj, gr qmkcrgkcq lccbq dgargml rm kyic gr njysqgzjc.
Dpylagq Zyaml

Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit puzzle: A good neighbor, a found treasure!
John Quigg

Found treasure William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-20-20

Found treasure William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-20-20