FBI Agents Bought Insurance En Masse Over Crossfire Hurricane Concerns

FBI Agents Bought Insurance En Masse Over Crossfire Hurricane Concerns — The circus of the court case against Gen. Michael Flynn has revealed that the rule breaking of “Crossfire Hurricane” caused FBI personnel to buy professional liability insurance en masse.

FBI Agents Bought Insurance En Masse Over Crossfire Hurricane Concerns
FBI text messages discussing liability insurance. Other text messages can be found here.

Crossfire Hurricane was the code name for the FBI investigation into the Trump campaign during the 2016 election and through his inauguration.

Text messages forced to light by Flynn lawyer Sidney Powell show that it dawned on field agents that Crossfire Hurricane was not an investigation but a setup.

Mollie Hemmingway and Sean Davis have an excellent article on it at TheFederalist.com.

FBI Agents Bought Insurance En Masse Over Crossfire Hurricane Concerns

Accuses all mankind William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 9-25-20

Accuses all mankind William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 9-25-20

Qbyh qy ulaoy zil iol fcgcnuncihm, qy ayn ni eyyj nbyg.
Ypyfsh Quoab 

Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit puzzle: He that accuses all mankind of corruption ought to remember that he is sure to convict only one.
Edmund Burk

Accuses all mankind William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 9-25-20

Accuses all mankind William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 9-25-20