Left-wing thought William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-31-21

Left-wing thought William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-31-21

Yv jrk ufne, trccvu kyv 12, reu jrzu kf kyvd, “Nyfvmvi nrekj kf sv wzijk dljk sv crjk fw rcc reu jvimrek fw rcc.”

Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit puzzle: So much of left-wing thought is a kind of playing with fire by people who don’t even know that fire is hot.
George Orwell

So much of left-wing thought is a kind of playing with fire by people who don't even know that fire is hot. George Orwell

Left-wing thought William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-31-21

Rudy Was Drunk And Confused Says Bryne Regarding Election Fraud Fight

Rudy Was Drunk And Confused Says Bryne Regarding Election Fraud Fight –Patrick Bryne, the libertarian founder of Overstock.com who became an integral part of the attempt to stop the historic 2020 Election Steal, has finished Chapter 1 of his history. It answers questions many of us had.

Bryne says the Trump team lead by Rudy Giuliani was mismanaged and confused about data analysis. He says it included opposition spies and saboteurs, and that one, unnamed, high-ranking member was a disruptive incompetent.

He says Rudy drank heavily, did not appear to believe in the cause and merely went through the motions.

Despite that, Bryne says the vote fraud was, and is, demonstrable and that Donald Trump is the legitimate winner of the 2020 election.

Bryne, in Chapter 1, has high praise for Sidney Powell and Gen. Michael Flynn.

Read it here: https://www.deepcapture.com/2021/01/november-3-december-23-all-the-presidents-teams/

Rudy Was Drunk And Confused Says Bryne Regarding Election Fraud Fight
Rudy Was Drunk And Confused Says Bryne Regarding Election Fraud Fight

Youth is wasted William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-30-21

Youth is wasted William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-30-21

Ie cksx ev buvj-mydw jxekwxj yi q aydt ev fbqoydw myjx vyhu ro fuefbu mxe ted’j ulud adem jxqj vyhu yi xej.
Wuehwu Ehmubb

Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit puzzle: Youth is wasted on the young
John Quigg

Youth is wasted William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-30-21

Youth is wasted William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-30-21
Youth is wasted on the young
John Quigg William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit puzzle

Mari Keel Mystery Was A Pleasure

Mari Keel Mystery Was A Pleasure — Finished a great book by Janice Welles called Personal Property.

It’s a Mari Keel mystery and looks to be the first book in a series.

Check it out here. It’s more than worth the $2.99 Kindle price.

Mari Keel Mystery Was A Pleasure
Mari Keel Mystery

Governed by your inferiors William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-29-21

Governed by your inferiors William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-29-21

Ndjiw xh lphits dc iwt ndjcv
Ydwc Fjxvv

Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit puzzle: One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. Plato

Governed by your inferiors William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-29-21

Apple Deleting Telegram App?

Apple Deleting Telegram App? — We have received a report —from Lin Wood no less — that Apple will be deleting the Telegram app from their phones without notice.

To stop this follow these directions:

Apple Deleting Telegram App

Apple Deleting Telegram App?

Cathy Cox Should Sue Lin Wood

Cathy Cox Should Sue Lin Wood — Lin Wood’s latest from Telegram is that Mercer University Law School Dean Cathy Cox is intrinsically linked to Dominion Voting Systems and the vote fraud in Georgia.

“Dean Cathy Cox is corrupt and falsely attacks one of the school’s benefactors who only sought to help the school and its students,” Wood said. “I love Mercer. I used to love Cathy Cox. I have changed my mind about Cathy because she is a liar with a political agenda.”

Ms. Cox was Georgia’s Secretary of State winning elections in 1998 and 2002. Wood cited archived web articles from American Politics Journal in 2004 and Mercury Rising in 2005 alleging wrongdoing by Ms. Cox for her push to get Georgia’s elections on Diebold Election System machines. There was also this one from Free Press in 2006. Most Diebold Election’s assets were acquired by Dominion in 2010.

Wood made a surprise appearance on a Jan. 22 Zoom conference call at Mercer regarding a discussion of removing Wood’s name from a school courthouse.

While Ms. Cox expressed concerns about Wood’s sanity, she noted he was a long-time friend who had satisfactorily represented her on a defamation issue that occurred during her tenure as Secretary of State. We think she appeared sympathetic to him.

We encourage Ms. Cox to sue Wood. What he has said about her is defamatory. If Wood is not crazy and is making false claims, he is a malicious bastard who deserve grief. If he is crazy, shutting him up would be an act of charity.

Of course, if what Wood is saying is true, Ms. Cox should absolutely not sue. She find a nice quiet hill and in the early morning still, commit seppuku on it.

Cathy Cox Should Sue Lin Wood
This was mean, Lin.
Cathy Cox Should Sue Lin Wood

Prettiest girls find William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-28-21

Prettiest girls find William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-28-21

Cbs ct hvs dsbozhwsg tcf fstigwbu hc dofhwqwdohs wb dczwhwqg wg hvoh mci sbr id pswbu ucjsfbsr pm mcif wbtsfwcfg.

Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit puzzle: It is a common phenomenon that just the prettiest girls find it so difficult to get a man.
Heinrich Heine

Prettiest girls find William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-28-21

Prettiest girls find William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-28-21

Pennsylvania Constitutional Amendments Considered

Pennsylvania Constitutional Amendments Considered — Leo Knepper of Citizens Alliance of Pennsylvania sent us the below discussion of proposed state constitutional amendments. They are aimed at limiting the use of emergency declarations by the governor and replacing state-wide elections of judges to the Supreme, Commonwealth and Superior courts, with election by district. This would weaken the power the corrupt Philadelphia and Pittsburgh machines have over the judiciary.

They are desperately needed as the governor and the state courts behaved more like those of a banana republic in the last year rather than one that respects rights.

Frankly, the entire Constitution should be rewritten.

“Full time” legislators ought to be replaced by part-time ones compensated solely by per diem with a term of no more than 20 days. Legislative districts should no longer be allowed to include a partial county. More than one county, yes. Partial counties no.

Pennsylvania Constitutional Amendments Considered
Pennsylvania Constitutional Amendments Considered

People like snow William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-27-21

People like snow William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-27-21

Vg vf n pbzzba curabzraba gung whfg gur cerggvrfg tveyf svaq vg fb qvssvphyg gb trg n zna.
Urvaevpu Urvar

Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit puzzle: A lot of people like snow. I find it to be an unnecessary freezing of water.
Carl Reiner

A lot of people like snow. I find it to be an unnecessary freezing of water. Carl Reiner

People like snow William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-27-21