20% Of Philly Students Can Read??? — The ABC sitcom Abbott Elementary has a plot line in which a big, bad charter school company is trying to take over the show’s eponymous Philadelphia public school.
This caused Jeanne Allen, founder and CEO of the Center for Education Reform, to tweet:
It’s pathetic when fewer than 20% of Philadelphia students can even read, write or spell at grade level that there’s a show on television that has the nerve to criticize the schools that succeed, and the people that help them. This has TEACHERS UNION written all over it.
Is it true that fewer than 20 precent of Philadelphia students read, write or spell at grade level??
According to the Philadelphia School District’s website 46 percent of children K-2 and 33 percent of children in third grade read at grade level as of 2019, which is before the Covid shutdown.
The stats in 2013, by the way, were 52 percent of K-2 and 45 percent in grade 3.
It appears the more caring parents are getting their kids out of public school and into the big, bad charters which is the only sane and caring thing to do.