Covid Truth And Reconciliation Broached At MIT Workshop

Covid Truth And Reconciliation Broached At MIT Workshop — A workshop on Covid-19 Public Policies was held, May 16, at MIT, albeit it was not sponsored by the school. The organizers were Jayanta Bhattacharya, professor at the Stanford School of Medicine; Retsef Levi, professor of MIT Sloan School of Management; and Steve Kirsch, inventor and tech entrepreneur who is an MIT alumnus.

The six-hour workshop consisted of five panels: Efficacy of Non-Pharmaceutical Public Health Interventions (8:45-9:55 a.m.); COVID-19’s impact on Universities and Their Research andTeaching Missions (9:55 -10:45 a.m.; Vaccine Efficacy and Safety (11:15 a.m. -12:25 p.m.; The Effect of COVID-19 Policies on Trust in Science and Public Health (1:30-2:40 p.m.); and The Way Forward (3:10 – 4:15 p.m.)

An interesting point from Panel 1 was the claim (35 min) by Dr. Clare Craig, diagnostic pathologist, that as coronaviruses can travel hundreds of miles through the air the lockdowns did not work. She noted that outbreaks occurred at a Belgian Antarctic research station after two-weeks of isolation and on an Argentine fishing vessel after five weeks of isolation.

Aaron Kheriaty, a psychiatrist who is a senior fellow and director of the Bioethics and American Democracy Program, said (48 min) that the usual modeling of pros and cons concerning the adoption of policies didn’t happen for “unexplained reasons” with regard to the Covid lockdowns. He said he became a early lockdown skeptic because he was seeing the effects of it in his clinic after only a few weeks.

“People literally thought the end of the world was near,” he said. “Not because they were manic or psychotic but just because they were so terrified by watching what was on the news.”

He said that 24 percent of 18-24-year-olds seriously contemplated suicide in June 2020.

24 percent of 18-24-year-olds seriously contemplated suicide in June 2020.

He said deaths related to drugs rose from 70,000 to 100,000 during the lock down and deaths related to alcohol went from 68,000 to 99,000.

Professor Bhattacharya called the lockdowns (56 min) the “biggest public health disaster in peacetime history” and noted that very large parts of the public health and science community committed themselves to lockdowns.

“The problem is that the people who . . . imposed the decision, they’re reputations are at stake,” he said. “To admit that they were wrong, means they made a catastrophic mistake. They moved society in a direction that actually, maybe led to the deaths of many people who would still be alive today.”

He said, however, criminalizing what happened would be a mistake and suggested a “truth and reconciliation committee” as was done in South Africa after apartheid.

Kheriaty noted (58:30) that economic forces drove many of these policies which had little to do with public health. He said the lockdowns were economically harmful but many benefited.

“What happened during lockdowns was the largest transfer of wealth upward in American history, probably world history, from the working class, middle class, not just to the upper class but to the very top of the pyramid, the wealthiest of the wealthy, the 1-percent of the 1-percent,” Kheriaty said.

He said Amazon lobbied West Coast states to lock down early and it wasn’t because Jeff Bezos was an expert in public health. Kheriaty pointed out that Bezos made a record $70 billion that year.

What happened during lockdowns was the largest transfer of wealth upward in American history, probably world history, from the working class, middle class, not just to the upper class but to the very top of the pyramid, the wealthiest of the wealthy, the 1-percent of the 1-percent

Aaron Kheriaty

“We have to be aware of non-scientific and non-public-health related factors that played a role in these policies,” Kheriaty said.

Dr. Robert Malone, who was not part of this panel, said (1:09:30) said that the scientific community was never in previous outbreaks subjected to the pressure applied during Covid-19.

Panel 2

Panel 2 concerned the response by universities to Covid. Retsef Levi of the MIT Sloan School of Management, said he felt the wide range of policies instituted during 2020 were understandable but became disturbed (1:51) when the vaccine mandates began. He said he was especially concerned that the mandates were on the young, relatively low-risk, students.

“To me that was were universities decided to be compliant, . . . protect themselves so that nobody could blame them if someone died on campus versus thinking . . . about what is the best thing for their students,” he said.

Nobody could cite a student or faculty death due to Covid.

Panel 3

Panel 3 concerned vaccines, namely the Covid one. Martin Kulldorff, Ph.d, Senior scholar, Brownstone Institute, said (2:26) he is so pro-vaccine that he was the only person to have ever been fired from the CDC for being too pro vaccine namely his insistence that Johnson & Johnson’s Covid vaccine not been pulled from distribution in early 2021. Still, however, he said he does not support universal vaccination and claiming such is as bad as saying nobody should be vaccinated. Kulldorff said those who have recovered from Covid have excellent natural immunity which is likely better than immunity provided by the vax.

Covid Truth And Reconciliation Broached At MIT Workshop

“To me the most stunning . . . part of this pandemic is the questioning or denial of natural immunity after having recovered from Covid,” he said. “We have known about immunity for at least . . . 2,500 years since the Athenian Plague of 430 B.C. . . . Suddenly in 2021, people forgot. I think it’s astonishing and amazing because when universities and hospitals require students and staff who have recovered from Covid to get the vaccine, when they mandate that, by doing so they are de facto denying immunity after recovering from disease. That is absolutely stunning that you have hospital presidents and university presidents who deny that . . . That would be like having the president of MIT question whether the Earth is round or flat.”

He said those who do so deserve ridicule. He noted that the CDC directer questioned immunity after Covid recovery in a piece she co-wrote for The Lancet.

“Nobody has done more damage to vaccine confidence than those who claim that everyone needs to get vaccinated,” he said.

Regarding the vax for those who haven’t had Covid, he says it’s rational to pass on it.

“Anybody can get Covid . . . but mortality for Covid varies a thousand-fold between the old and the young,” he says.

He said there is almost no risks to children from Covid but some from the vaccine.

Steve Kirsch (2:35) noted he was an M.I.T grad and the school’s Kirsch Auditorium is named in his honor. He said said he left his successful business career after getting doubly vaccinated and then started hearing from friends who bad reactions to the vax including one who had three healthy relatives die a week after taking it.

He said after doing a “ton of research” he began crusading against the shots begetting him the label of “misinformation spreader”.

He says he is officially the “number 1 misinformation spreader on Substack” and has been recognized by his alma mater as a “misinformation superspreader”.

Kirsch defines the phrase as: A person who speaks out publicly when the official government mainstream narrative fails to match the reality in plain sight.

Covid Truth And Reconciliation Broached At MIT Workshop

Kirsch says the vaccines are killing more people than they save. He says his research indicates that the vaccine has killed more than 500,000 in the United States while saving but 25,000. He points out that even if his death toll is off by an order of two magnitudes, the vax is still killing more than saving.

“In VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) alone, there is 12,000 deaths, even at an under-reporting factor of two, which would be extremely conservative, this vaccine makes no sense. This is the elephant in the room that nobody wants to talk about,” he said. “This is why nobody in the world will debate me, not even for a million dollars. I offered the people at the CDC and FDA — the outside committee members — here’s a million dollars. Come talk with me; chat with me for just four hours for a million dollars. And they wouldn’t do it. So I raised it. I said fine. Name your price. No what happened? They weren’t interested in that offer either. . . But misinformation is supposed to be the greatest danger to public health. Why wouldn’t they show me up. This was their opportunity to discredit me. They chose not show up at the debate table and that, my friends, tells you everything you need to know.”

Why wouldn’t they show me up. This was their opportunity to discredit me. They chose not show up at the debate table and that, my friends, tells you everything you need to know.

Steve Kirsch

He said the vax should be stopped for everyone.

He also said early treatment with cheap repurposed drug combos prevent long-Covid and deaths nearly 100 percent.

He said Medicare data obtained from a whistleblower showed all-cause mortality spiking for each vax and booster.

Joe Fraiman of LSU Lallie Kemp Regional Medical Center (2:44) said determining the efficacy of the vaccines is based on observational data and it has never been proved in a randomized controlled trial that it reduced hospitalizations.

He did note that for a Pfizer study of all-cause serious adverse events those receiving the vaccine suffered 103 while those getting a placebo, 81.

Neeraj Snood, professor of public policy at University of Southern California, buttressed (2:49) Fraiman’s point that the clinical trials provided little insight about the harms and benefits of the vaccines.

On the other hand, due to the rate of mutation by the virus, clinical trials won’t provide answers, hence observational studies will have to be relied upon, he said.

He said the scientific community must help people make more informed decisions about vaccines.

“Even with a Ph.d, I find that decision very difficult,” he said.

He said this is due to the uncertainty about the benefits and harms of COVID-19 vaccines, the challenge of evaluating low probability events and fear of the disease increasing the chance of a decision being made on emotion rather than reason.

He also said the community must also help governments make informed public decision about vaccines. He said unintended consequences must be considered. Did mandates increase vaccine hesitancy? Did they increase labor shortages in nursing homes due to nurses refusing to be vaxed?

Snood said the vaccine rollouts, however, appeared to reduce anxiety and depression, especially among those unable to work from home.

Retsef Levi (2:58) said the boosters are not adapted to current variants. He also said the boosters fundamentally change the risk-benefits considerations of the vaccines.

“The premise at the beginning was that you get vaccinated and you are never going to get infected again and you’re going to be safe from all the bad things Covid brings, ” he said. “. . .Now we are talking about taking a repeated risk of a vaccine, ever six to eight months, and you still have the chance to get infected and potentially have some of the consequences of Covid.”

Levi said that in Israel — which has the world’s highest Covid mortality rate — and the United States twelve-year-olds are recommended to take a booster of 30mg. He said that in Pfizer trials that dose was deemed toxic for children 5 to 11.

Kulldorff agreed to debate Kirsch, and without the million dollars.

Panel 4

Panel 4 concerned the effect of COVID-19 policies on trust in science and public health.

“Washington removed the naive part of me and America is in serious crisis,” said Scott Atlas, (3:50) the panel’s moderator. Atlas was an advisor to President Trump and is Robert Wesson Senior Fellow in Health Policy, Hoover Institution, Stanford University.

He said the “credentialed class” whose credentials give it automatic respect and authority has been exposed as incapable of critical thinking and without ethical constraint. He said the social contract has been broken with the vulnerable: the elderly, the low-income people and, especially ,the children. He said free speech has been suppressed but maybe far more frightening is the unprecedented denial of fact by scientific and public health institutions.

Atlas cited several lies told by the establishment institutions including Covid’s mortality rate being several orders of magnitude higher than the flu; everyone was at risk of death and capable of spreading the infection; no one had immunity; asymptomatic people were major drivers of the spread; lock downs would eliminate the virus; masks would stop the spread; and immunity only comes from a vaccine.

All this was known to be false by Spring 2020, Atlas said.

Atlas said that Deborah Birx, who was the White House Task Force Coordinator, wrote all official White House guidance to governors. Tony Fauci was the public face.

Atlas said their policies resulted in 1 million American deaths attributed to the virus and also caused massive deaths due to the lockdowns along with other harm.

Atlas said the alternative which he described as “targeted protection” was a known solution by March 2020.

So why did the public believe the lockdowners?

“We have a culture of trust,” Atlas said. “We trust people with credentials. That’s how we are raised in this country.”

He said fear was a factor and there were two types, that of the disease and that of criticizing the authorities. The power of the latter can’t be denied as those who spoke out were demonized by the media and political powers.

“We trusted completely inept public leaders,” Atlas said as he showed a slide of Fauci, Brix and former CDC head Robert Redfield. “How do I know? I was there. Not a single one of these three people brought a scientific paper to a task force meeting I was at.”

We trusted completely inept public leaders

Scott Atlas

Atlas said shame based on lies was a powerful tool He said the public was told that being against lockdowns meant they were were choosing the economy over lies, or that were for allowing the infection to spread without mitigation.

“Never once, did I hear anyone or myself say to President Trump or to anyone in the White House . . . nor was it ever discussed by anyone that the infection should be allowed to spread without mitigation,” Atlas said.

Panel 5

Panel 5 (5:02) was about how to get out ot the mess Covid left us.

Dr. Robert Malone, an inventor of the mRNA vaccine, praised (5:28) some of the suggestions from other panelists but noted that they were designed for the operational level. Malone said that based on his experience those at the operational level in public health would be amenable but they’d be constrained by those above them.

“We have the CDC’s own statements that they have been withholding information from public health and physicians all the way through this outbreak,” Malone said.

Malone said money has been pouring to the agencies and there is now a financial investment in infectious disease outbreaks.

“Infectious disease outbreaks, like wars, are very, very good for business,” he said. “They are also very useful politically.”

Malone recommended all read Klaus Schwab’s book Covid-19: The Great Reset.

“What you’ll find is incredible naïveté and hocus pocus science,” Malone said. “. . .This is not a well thought-out treatise.”

Schwab is chairman of the World Economic Forum.

Malone said that there is multiple lines of evidence that the outbreak has been weaponized for political purposes.

“We have built a system and I’ve been part of the building that generates enormous revenue and has enormous vested interests in outbreaks,” Malone said. “Outbreaks are really good business.”

We have built a system and I’ve been part of the building that generates enormous revenue and has enormous vested interests in outbreaks. Outbreaks are really good business.

Dr. Robert Malone

He said this money has enabled the development of an incredibly powerful public health enterprise.

He said we have an inverse totalitarianism.

“We are in a situation in which entrenched government bureaucrats are the ones setting policy, not the ones we elected to set policy, and they are untouchable,” Malone said.

“These are not scientists, they are bureaucrats,” he said. “Tony Fauci, I’ve known him for decades. . . He is a very adroit Washington D.C. bureaucrat politician. He understands how to work the system. He has amassed massive power.”

Malone said a significant step in making things right would be to rescind the 2013 National Defense Act. He says it has enabled the intelligence community to gain influence over media and implement their propaganda.

He said this act allowed a billion dollars to be spent to attack those who questioned the official Covid narratives.

He also noted that federal agencies have a dual job in promoting and regulating American industries and the CDC gets five times the money to promote vaccines rather than regulate them.

He said an improved VAERS is ready to go but there is no interest in regulating it.

“We must break up this very large agencies,” he said.

He said the dual role of promotion and regulation must end and the public health agencies must be “put back in their box” as being mere advisers.

The entire 6-hour long workshop can be watched on Steve Kirsch’s Substack site.

Covid Truth And Reconciliation Broached At MIT Workshop

Covid Truth And Reconciliation Broached At MIT Workshop

Covid Truth And Reconciliation Broached At MIT Workshop

Covid Truth And Reconciliation Broached At MIT Workshop Covid Truth And Reconciliation Broached At MIT Workshop Covid Truth And Reconciliation Broached At MIT Workshop Covid Truth And Reconciliation Broached At MIT Workshop Covid Truth And Reconciliation Broached At MIT Workshop

Unvaxxed Heroes Of Canada

Unvaxxed Heroes Of Canada — Canadian writer Susan Dunham describes on Medium the cruel persecution the unvaxxed suffered in her country.

We invented a new rubric for the good citizen and — failing to be one ourselves — took pleasure in scapegoating anyone who didn’t measure up. After months of engineered lockdowns, having someone to blame and to burn simply felt good.

So we cannot hold our heads high, as if believing we had logic, love, or truth on our side while we viciously wished death upon the unvaccinated. The best we can do is sit in the awareness of our rabid inhumanity for having cast so many aside.

Most of us who pilloried the noncompliant did it because it seemed like certain victory, like the unvaccinated would never make it through unbroken. Indeed, the promised new normal looked unbeatable, so we sided with it and made punching bags out of the holdouts.

She says the unvaxxed did not break and that they may have saved her country.

But betting against them has been a scathing embarrassment for many of us who’ve now learned that the mandates only had the power we gave them.  It was not through quiet compliance that we avoided endless domination by pharmaceutical companies and medical checkpoints at every doorway. It was thanks to the people we tried to tear down.

Read the whole thing here.

Unvaxxed Heroes Of Canada

Sudden Adult Death Syndrome

The Daily Mail is describing a new condition called Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS), an “umbrella term to describe unexpected deaths in young people,” according to The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners.

Those under 40 are being urged to have their hearts checked because they may potentially be at risk.

Sudden Adult Death Syndrome
Sudden Adult Death Syndrome

Covid Masks Are Dangerous Says Study

Covid Masks Are Dangerous Says Study — A paper by Zacharias Fögen concludes that face mask mandates to stop the spread of Covid actually caused deaths to increase.

The study compared Kansas counties that mandated mask wearing with those that didn’t.

The study says:

A parallelization analysis based on county-level data showed that in Kansas, counties with mask mandate had significantly higher case fatality rates than counties without mask mandate, with a risk ratio of 1.85 (95% confidence interval [95% CI]: 1.51–2.10) for COVID-19-related deaths. Even after adjusting for the number of “protected persons,” that is, the number of persons who were not infected in the mask-mandated group compared to the no-mask group, the risk ratio remained significantly high at 1.52 (95% CI: 1.24–1.72). By analyzing the excess mortality in Kansas, this study determines that over 95% of this effect can solely be attributed to COVID-19.

These findings suggest that mask use might pose a yet unknown threat to the user instead of protecting them, making mask mandates a debatable epidemiologic intervention.

The study appeared, Feb. 18, in the journal Medicine.

Covid Masks Are Dangerous Says Study
Covid Masks Are Dangerous Says Study -- A paper by Zacharias Fögen

Temp Covid Money Means Forever Program Hikes In Pa

Temp Covid Money Means Forever Program Hikes In Pa— The Volcker Alliance, a nonprofit group that works to strengthen public service education and effective government, has released a report saying that Pennsylvania is among the states about to go off a fiscal cliff due to unwise use of federal covid largess.

The Keystone State got $7.3 billion from Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) and appropriated $4.6 billion for the 2022 budget with $3.8 billion going to the General Fund.

Of that $2.5 billion was used to increase in the Department of Human Services budget by increasing the state’s Medicaid program, called Medical Assistance; giving $300 million for the Basic Education subsidy to school districts; and gains in other education programs i.e. $30 million for early learning, $11 million for early intervention preschool services, and $50 million for special education subsidies to school districts.

State health care centers and local health departments also received more funding.

“Although some of the health-related spending might be temporary, depending on the pandemic, education needs are likely to continue,” according the the report authored by Beverly Bunch.

Hat tips Tony Phyrillas and The Center Square.

Temp Covid Money Means Forever Program Hikes In Pa
Temp Covid Money Means Forever Program Hikes In Pa

How To Avoid Monkeypox

How to avoid monkeypox — Dr. Robert Malone makes this relevant observation on his Substack page.

Essentially all of the current cases in the west which we are seeing in the news are among men who have sex with men, and appear to be due to close physical contact.

His article goes into a detailed explanation about the disease and why it’s not as scary as some are making it out to be. It’s worth reading.

How To Avoid Monkeypox
How To Avoid Monkeypox

McCullough Warns Vaccinated To Act On Symptoms

McCullough Warns Vaccinated To Act On Symptoms — Dr. Peter McCullough is warning that the vaccinated be aware of symptoms such as leg pains, swelling and chest pains and seek an evaluation if these things should be outside the norm.

He said there is no longer doubt that the jab puts takers at risk of a wide variety of serious medical conditions that early treatment might catch.

McCullough Warns Vaccinated To Act On Symptoms
Dr. Peter McCullough

He says the more vaxxes one has taken the greater the risk.

He advises all against taking any more.

McCullough recommends for information and questions.

McCullough is a highly accomplished cardiologist that the medical industrial complex has sought to destroy through a disinformation campaign.

Here is the April 29 FlashPoint interview where he makes the claims. Below is a short edited versions from MJTruth with the relevant points.

McCullough Warns Vaccinated To Act On Symptoms

CDC Studied Cell Phone Data For Lockdown Compliance

CDC Studied Cell Phone Data For Lockdown Compliance — Tom C sent us this link regarding the Center for Disease Control’s buying cell phone data to determine lockdown compliance especially with regard to those in the Navajo Nation.

Yes, it’s true and has been tweeted about for several days.

Even the most pollyannaish normie should be concerned about those entrenched in our government and its affiliates.

CDC Studied Cell Phone Data For Lockdown Compliance
CDC Studied Cell Phone Data For Lockdown Compliance

Better Way Conference Challenges Failed Establishment

Better Way Conference Challenges Failed Establishment — Dr. Robert Malone praises Dr. Tess Lawrie here and describes how prominent critics of the medical/media/corporate establishment will be attending  the Better Way Conference, May 20-22 in Bath, U.K.

It is the inaugural conference of the World Council for Health created to counter the lies being spewed by in the corrupt Medical/Pharma/Media complex.

Better Way Conference Challenges Failed Establishment
Dr. Tess Lawrie

Dr. Lawrie was a consultant to the WHO, evaluating evidence and developing recommendations. When she saw Dr. Pierre Kory testify before Congress about ivermectin, she gave up her Christmas holiday to run one of these reviews (unpaid) and see if the evidence really did back what Kory was claiming. It did, so she went to work, writing to health authorities and governments around the world and sharing the great news.

Which didn’t work out so great for her as she lost her consulting work and has been the subject of vicious attacks by powerful voices.

However, Malone notes she hasn’t quit and is working without a break to get the message about ivermectin and early treatment out to the public.

“What strikes me most about Tess is her unfailing positivity in the face of darkness,” Malone said. “She’s in the trenches with the rest of us, bloodied and bruised, but she’s also one of those smiling and pointing to the dawn.”

Malone, who is rather accomplished himself, has also suffered smears and other attacks from the powerful.

Yes, Malone really is the inventor of the core technology behind mRNA vaccines.

If you can check out the conference, do so. Also, if you can, chip in something for the World Council for Health. The big guys aren’t going to give them anything so the little guys have to.

Better Way Conference Challenges Failed Establishment
Better Way Conference Challenges Failed Establishment

Blacks And Jews Lead American Revelation In New York

Blacks And Jews Lead American Revelation In New York

By Olivia Braccio

Is there anything comparable to the warm, glowy feeling in your soul when you see the Statue of Liberty come into view as you’re traveling on the I-78 through Jersey City after the long ride up from Pennsylvania? I’ve been shooting the anti-mandate protests in New York City regularly for six months now, and I think it’s safe to say that there is not. 

Blacks And Jews Lead American Revelation In New York
Medical Freedom Demonstrators
Photo by Olivia Braccio

Our Statue was a beacon of hope to both my relatives when they sailed over on the ship from Italy in search of a better life a generation ago, as well as the immigrant friends I’ve just recently made during my visits to New York. Everything Lady Liberty represents is under assault from a tyrannical government, the likes of which we thought were impossible in a capitalist nation. Whenever we’re gathered in the city, I picture the Statue gazing down upon us from her island in the Hudson Bay, weeping both tears of pride at her citizens who are willing to fight for thepersonal rights and freedoms that constitute the very essence of America, and sadness at the fact that we’re in the position of having to do it at all.

Blacks And Jews Lead American Revelation In New York
Photo by Olivia Braccio

Vaccine and mask mandates in New York are drawing to a close. However, now that the government has found a way to effectively manipulate the masses, we don’t know what else may be in store. But it is possible to look to the future with an impending sense of doom while feeling immense gratitude for the here and now. It was great to be in Crown Heights on Sunday, Feb. 27, photographing a rally in support of medical freedom for all New Yorkers. I meet more interesting people each time I visit the metropolis. I did not expect to be so warmly welcomed into the city, having come from out-of-state and randomly inserted myself into the situation largely for photographic purposes at first. I love everything about New York City. Everything. But the cultural aspect? Oh, that’s the very best part of all. 

Although it is a geographically small microcosm of the United States, it’s the city that most closely represents the melting pot that is the backbone of American society. You can almost meet people from all 195 countries in 302.6 square-miles. And as I participate in these beautiful displays of unity nearly every week, I feel like the epitome of what it means to be an American has finally been revealed to me. Which sounds strange coming from a person who was born here and has lived here her whole life. But up until these past several months, if someone had asked me what it meant to be an American, I would’ve answered, either someone who was born on American soil, or someone who immigrated and obtained their citizenship. And both those definitions are true. But now I understand it in a deeper and more palpable way. It’s people, from each nationality, each continent, Christians, Jews, Hindus, atheists, gays, straights, young, old, various socioeconomic classes behaving as though those differences don’t exist and coming together in an effort to preserve the liberties on which their beloved nation—either native or adopted—was founded. 

Blacks And Jews Lead American Revelation In New York
Photo by Olivia Braccio

Since we were in Crown Heights, we were joined by many members of the Hasidic Jewish community, wearing their traditional wigs/hats, skirts, and of course yarmulkes. Our rallies are wonderfully diverse; we also had members of the African-American community along with the Jews, per usual. This is why it irks me to no end when people call us white supremacists, when in reality, the two ethnic groups leading the resistance in NYC are the black and Jewish communities. I actually wish more people from the surrounding suburbs would join us so they could see the camaraderie for themselves. I do sometimes tell people down here in Pennsylvania about what I see in NYC and they look at me skeptically, as if in disbelief.

One of the fantastic speakers at this event was Kevin Jenkins, a pastor and probably one of the most gifted orators on the planet. I like when he tells us to “inhale God, and exhale fear.” He also told everyone to hold hands, so I let the camera dangle from my neck and grasped the hand of the black woman to my right and the Jewish woman to my left. It’s not something I normally feel comfortable doing, but no one is a stranger when you’re at a freedom rally. Then he asked us all to give each other a hug. “Come here, girl!” said the woman to my right, enveloping me and the camera in a delightfully bone-crushing embrace. And then I wasn’t mad anymore at the people who insult us and make us out to be something we’re not. I was sad. On their behalf. For what they’re missing.

Blacks And Jews Lead American Revelation In New York