Chesco GOP Seeks Audit Of 2021 Election — Despite a pretty good showing by Republicans state-wide, Nov. 2 — note Drew Crompton appears to be losing his Commonwealth Court seat — voting irregularities are being found.
Chester County GOP Chairman Gordon Eck is calling for a full forensic audit of his fiefdom.
Where were you last November/December/January, Gordon?
Anyway, election mistrust is the greatest crisis this country is facing and the audit should be done.
- By-right mail voting should end.
- Criminal prosecutions for chain of custody violations should be automatic.
- Poll watchers should be given state-wide jurisdiction, rather than be limited to the county in which the reside.
- Certified ballot counting observers should be allowed as close as they want to be to the ballots being counted.
- Election transparency should indisputably takes precedence over corporate intellectual property (IP). Amazingly enough, the IP claim was used to stifle investigation into voting machines in the 2020 election. It’s just one of the reasons many of us think Trump is the rightful winner.
Here is the letter the Chesco GOP sent to its committee members:
Good Morning Committee Members,
I wanted to give you a quick update on the election process.
As you have probably seen by now, Chairman Eck is calling for a full forensic audit of Chester County due to the many irregularities that we have witnessed over the past week.
As of this morning, all eligible mail-in, provisional, and overseas ballots have been scanned. This process has occured in many stages and over several days. Voter Services has updated their totals online occassionally, but not fully as each stage was completed. Therefore, this morning they will zero out the total mail-in ballots received and counted numbers on the Voter Services Election Portal. Then, all mail-in, provisional, and overseas ballots will be uploaded at one time and final numbers will be posted.
They are completing the process in this way because reconciliations between systems on the number of ballots were not tying. The county is hopeful that uploading everything at once will provide them with a better figure to which they can reconcile. It is my understanding that these figures will be provided as “unofficial results” to the PA Department of State today.
People want to know what they can do at this point. I would recommend that people call Commissioner Marian Moskowitz’s office at 610-344-6691 Commissioner Josh Maxwell’s office at 610-344-6151 to demand an audit of the election process that took place this year. Commissioner Michelle Kichline has already expressed concern over irregularities, but you can always contact her office as well (610-344-6031) asking her to fight for transparency and clear processes. Additionally, you could attend the Commissioners Meeting today at 3:30 to address them in public comment.
Finally, thank you for hanging in there over the past week. I know everyone has wondered what’s been happening. I’ve tried to provide updates as often as I could. Thanks also to the many volunteers who have participated in the observer process over the last week.
Felice FeinVice Chair
Chesco GOP Seeks Audit Of 2021 Election