Dem Appears Poised To Win Commonwealth Court Seat — It appears that a Democrat might win a state judicial race in Pennsylvania after all.
Lori Dumas now leads Drew Crompton 1,273,054 to 1,266,430 for Commonwealth Court according to the Department of State’s website, as of noon, Saturday, Nov. 6.
Commonwealth Court is the intermediate appellate court where cases involving state agencies are heard along with some in which the Commonwealth is a party.
Last minute votes broke for Ms. Dumas 37, 143 to 5,246.
Funny, how that seems to happen for Democrats. Montgomery County School Board races that had been thought won by freedom-lovers are now in question due to bad ballots.
And of course there are those magically found 12,000 ballots in the New Jersey’s 3rd state Senate District, in which Republican truck driver Edward Durr appeared to upset long-time Senate President Steve Sweeney.
When the races was called for Durr, he was up 32,742 to 30,444.
But, hey, magic happens in South Jersey, right.
We hope the Republican establishment fights for Durr like a rabid wolverine, and we hope Durr’s voters rise in outrage at this obvious theft attempt.
Granted the former hope might be magic based.
There is a big upside to this, though. Pennsylvania’s other GOP court victories seem secure, which means your votes did count. Maybe not as much as they should have, but you weren’t wasting your time voting.
Election mistrust is the greatest crisis this country is facing.
By-right mail voting should end.
If chains of custody are violated, criminal prosecutions should occur.
In Pennsylvania, poll watchers should be given state-wide jurisdiction, rather than be limited to the county in which the reside.
Certified ballot counting observers should be allowed as close as they want to be to the ballots being counted.
It should be made clear that election transparency automatically takes precedence over corporate intellectual property (IP). Amazingly enough, the IP claim was used to stifle investigation into voting machines in the 2020 election. It’s just one of the reasons many of us think Trump is the rightful winner.
Dem Appears Poised To Win Commonwealth Court Seat
In Jersey, for governor, if the GOP voters had gone out and voted instead of staying home, Ciattarelli would have won easily. Murphy did not win by fraud, he won by GOP laziness.
Obviously, other races where GOP candidate was winning, but lost after “mail-in ballots” were counted there is probable fraud.
The only way for GOP candidates to win without question is for the Republican voters to vote IN PERSON!