Our Challenge

The Roar

Our Challenge

What is taking place today is the final phase from a systematic attempt at accomplishing what a force of arms could never even attempt.  Think about it.  The results from being conquered militarily imparts negativity and a resoluteness to regain what has been forcefully taken.  Gains from warfare are at best limited.  However, gains from converting the loyalties, beliefs and overall thinking of a people are lasting.  The only question to answer is when is it appropriate to initiate the “changing of the guard?”  That time appears to be nearing.

For the majority of my lifetime, the object has always been the American mind.  During the last half of the twentieth century till the present, our citizens have been inundated with questionable if not outright anti-American dogma.  Today, we have a sizable portion of our society who do not know America or its origins. This is an intentional attempt to weaken our resolve and to slowly introduce contradictory concepts against our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution, our Bill of Rights and to our way of life in general.  The terms of “internationalism,” “globalism” or the all encompassing “world community/world citizen” often smooths the harsh antithesis from a communist reality.

The journey from Bunker Hill and Valley Forge to present day America is as disgraceful as it is obvious.  We now have a President who claims that our system of free enterprise/capitalism “doesn’t work, it has never worked.”  And those in attendance this week, listening to Obama’s Osawatomie Kansas speech, cheered.

Communism takes hold in poor countries.  If America were to be tamed and rode hard into communism, changes had to be instituted.  Approximately thirty years ago, what began as downsizing the corporate fat grew into relocating to tax friendly locales.  Then foreign locations became the norm with their infinitely cheaper work forces.  All this without any effort from Washington to discourage or present a more business friendly setting.  Could there be a motive present?

Couple this exodus with the increasing amount of educational mush being fed to successive generations.  The results from both are a shrinking economy and increasing ignorance.  It is impossible to convert America into a third world poor existence, however, is it now enough to drumbeat upon those who are most dependent?

What to do? Our government’s sole effort was to increase all forms of benefits.  Now, how practical is this solution?  Do not stem the corporate flight, just increase the ease of being unemployed.  Added to this mix is a President who condemns the successful, the well to do, the rich.  Do we see a pattern emerging?

Also, our President remains adamant with his call for increased taxation.  Now this is certainly not business stimuli.  In addition to this growing dishevel are the misdirected citizen chants against Wall St.  This confusion resembles the farmer who cuts down his apple tree because of one or two worms.  Government is the culprit.  Government takes from business and employees alike.  It does not produce, it survives from the labor of its citizens.

All this has surfaced for two reasons.  First, we elected a questionable leader who is impatient with his obvious socialistic priorities.  Secondly, the boldness of these actions validate an  underlying assumption that the numbers are on their side.  They believe that Americanism has withered to the point that it is now ripe for the picking.

What they underestimate, is the American spirit which is alive in America’s largest generation. Although we missed all the educational mush, many fought the same designs in a far off country.  More importantly, we saw the true face on the anti-American socialists upon our return.  That face hasn’t changed!

Jim Bowman, Author of,
This Roar of Ours

One thought on “Our Challenge”

  1. “What they underestimate, is the American spirit which is alive in America’s largest generation.”
    How true!
    Good chapter Jim.
    Keep ’em coming.

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