Pension Deal Fails — Pennlive.com has reported that a pension reform plan that was integral part of a deal for Pennsylvania to finally pass a budget Gov. Wolf would be willing to sign has failed.
The vote in the Pennsylvania House was 149-52 against. The Senate was demanding the reform to agree to significant tax hikes sought by Wolf.
The state’s pension system is horribly underfunded and the reform sought — moving FUTURE state government and school employees into a pension system that combined a down-sized guaranteed benefit plan with a 401(k)-style plan — was extremely mild but still a necessary step in the right direction.
The legislature passed a budget in June which was vetoed by Wolf. Wolf also vetoed a stopgap budget in September. The man is an epitome of ego-driven irresponsibility.
Well now ,we know he’s in bed with the unions, but we’re also now talking about his pension too.