Sarah Murnaghan Good News Update –The family of Sarah Murnaghan — the 10-year-old Newtown Square, Pa., girl the Obama administration nearly killed due to a perverse cold-hearted insistence on following outdated bureaucratic rules — has issued a statement saying the little girl is off oxygen support and is now back to school albeit at home.
“She sprints off of the ventilator every day with her lungs and muscles doing all of the work,” the Murnaghans said.
They said the big part of rehabilitation now is building back the muscles.
“She does physical therapy every day and is now walking with a walker to support as needed. She loves to take walks in the neighborhood after dinner with the family and is so proud of her progress,” the family said.
The family said that her teachers are coming to the house four days a week, and that her classmates and friends have been visiting. She will be returning to regular school next year.
They noted that more than 373,000 people spoke out in support of the little girl.
“Sarah would not be with us today without what everyone did with us to make a change,” the Murnaghans said.
The New England Journal of Medicine article has an article about the difference the crusade to save Sarah made, which can be found here.
Those wishing to make a donation to the Murnaghans can do so here.
The statement was signed by Janet, Fran, Sarah, Ella, Sean and Finn Murnaghan