Stop Election Fraud: No Voting Without ID

This is being republished with the kind permission of Chris Freind

By Chris Freind

I am not wealthy, but have recently acquired 22 domiciles throughout
Philadelphia. My real estate prowess has afforded me a unique
opportunity to make a difference in the lives of our citizens.

I can vote 22 times.

You see, I have staked out prime locations, from a cardboard box
under the Walt Whitman Bridge to a culvert on Cobbs Creek Parkway to a
burnt-out shell at 7th and Diamond. Yes, technically, habitating at
these locations makes me “homeless,” but I much prefer the term
“voter-enfranchised.” When you have such a love of democracy, how can
anyone have a problem with people who want to vote multiple times,
especially the homeless? (Although, in fairness, dead people should
only be able to vote once).

Incredible as it seems, folks in Pennsylvania don’t have to show any
voter identification whatsoever at the polls, with the exception of the
first time, in which a non-photo ID, such as a utility bill, is all that
is needed. And even that’s a stretch since some politicians ignore the
law and permit people, who have never produced identification to vote.
So in Philadelphia, among other places, voters whose “address” is a park
bench or condemned house are regularly pulling the lever.

This system has made multiple-voting quite easy and affords a vote
not only to those who aren’t registered, but those not legally permitted
to cast a ballot — the nation’s 12 million illegal immigrants, since we
aren’t checking citizenship status, either.


Because former Governor Ed Rendell vetoed legislation requiring
voters to show proper identification, election fraud remains rampant.
By definition, allowing people to vote who are not properly registered
is disenfranchising those who play by the rules and cast a ballot the
right way. Bottom line: every illegal vote nullifies one made by a
law-abiding citizen.

And make no mistake. It has gotten so out-of-hand that illegal
immigrants are voting in large numbers throughout the country. Think
about that — citizens from other countries are quite possibly deciding
the outcomes of American elections.

One only has to look to Florida in 2000 to see a real-world example.
President Bush won by a mere 537 votes out of 5.8 million cast. As
governor of Texas, the Spanish-speaking Bush had always been popular
with Hispanics, particularly Florida’s Cubans. Given that Florida has a
large illegal immigration population, it is not unrealistic to think
that at least 537 illegals voted for Bush over Al Gore –the difference
in determining the Presidency of the United States. But since we have
so many “sanctuary cities” –places where it is prohibited to ask one’s
immigration/citizenship status — there is no way to determine who is an
American citizen, let alone who is validly registered.

Rendell’s rationale for vetoing the bill was that it would have
created voting problems for the homeless, the poor, displaced victims of
natural disasters, and those without access to valid ID. And now that
another Voter ID bill is working its way through the legislature — this
time with a solid shot at becoming law given Gov. Tom Corbett’s support —
we are hearing the same old arguments.

Here’s a question. How many natural disasters hit the Keystone
State? And even if one does, how does that obviate the need for an ID?

As far as access to an ID, is it really so excruciatingly difficult
to produce a passport, driver’s license, or employee, government or
student photo identification? Getting past the rhetoric, it has yet to
be shown how a voter identification requirement negatively affects
students, the disabled, and, as the ACLU puts it, “disproportionately
impacts the elderly, the working poor, and racial minorities.”

Since identification requirements would apparently discourage people
from voting, thereby “disenfranchising” them, here’s a solution: let’s
have no rules at all. That way, at least no one will be offended….well,
except law-abiding Americans. But hey, what do they matter, since
they’re the only major constituency with no rights.


Buzzwords like “voter disenfranchisement” aside, the Pennsylvania
Voter Identification Protection Act, sponsored by State Representative
Daryl Metcalfe, is long overdue legislation with which an overwhelming
number of voters agree. What could be easier and more common sense that
simply documenting who you claim to be when participating in the most
fundamental American right?

The true motivations of those opposed are painfully obvious: the vast
majority of non-registered voters have Democratic leanings. They have
become an integral part of the Democratic base, and as such, their
voting process must be obstacle-free if the party is to grow.

Translation: when you can’t legitimately win at the ballot box, go to Plan B — steal the election.

Welcome to the Banana Republic of Pennsylvania.


It’s a shame there hasn’t been a meaningful debate on this. But
rather than discuss the Voter ID bill on its merits, the Left has chosen
to throw out inflammatory accusations of “voter disenfranchisement.”

At one point in our history, Americans were subjected to
discriminatory treatment which truly disenfranchised them, such as being
required to pay poll taxes and take literacy tests. Thankfully, such
practices have been rescinded, and comparing an ID bill to what our
ancestors experienced is a downright insult to those who fought for the
right to vote.

And as long as we’re on the subject of voting reforms, maybe an
amendment to the Voter ID bill could be offered that would eliminate the
option of single-lever voting. Pulling just one lever is far too easy,
and takes the thinking out of voting — which is, obviously, never a good

Americans have become far too complacent when it comes to voting and,
as a result, we are reaping the consequences of our corrupted system.
Good policy should never come down to just a “Democrat” or “Republican”
one-second pull of a lever. Instead, making citizens vote for
individual over party may yet inspire them to take a more avid interest
in who will be their representatives.

The American voting system isn’t perfect, and Voter ID laws (which
have been ruled constitutional) will go a long way to restoring the
integrity so crucial in the power to choose one’s own destiny.

Having no voter identification requirement is a disgraceful blow to
those who gave the ultimate sacrifice so that Americans could enjoy free
and fair elections.

In a society where one must show ID to enter office buildings,
airplanes, trains or even buy antihistamine at the pharmacy, it is time
to give the same level of importance to voting. The current practice — a
truly disenfranchising one — must end in order to preserve our
hard-earned freedom.

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