William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 2-23-15

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 2-23-15

John Winthrop apple orchard.

John Winthrop was given Governor’s Island by the Massachusetts Bay Colony with the stipulation that he plant an apple orchard on it. He did.

Obama Loves America

Obama Loves America as much as Bill Ayers
Obama loves America every bit as much as does Bill Ayers (above) and Rev. Jeremiah Wright. This image of Ayers standing on the Stars and Stripes was used to illustrate a flattering New York Times Magazine article about how he didn’t regret setting bombs in his Weatherman days..

Former New York Mayor and 9/11  hero Rudy Guiliani told a crowd of  business leaders, Feb. 18, at the 21 Club in New York City that he doesn’t believe Obama loves America.

Oh, did heads spin. The bile boiled over on leftist blogs as progs came out in defense of their god. Rudy, himself, got death threats.

The Mayor didn’t back down, though, repeating his claim on cable news shows.

Mayor, the best response would have been merely to concede that the President does love America — every bit as much as Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers. He willingly subjected himself to Wright’s sermons   for two decades, after all; and  Ayers, a man who once helped plan the bombing of the Pentagon, hired him to chair his Chicago Annenberg Challenge.

Here is the link to a flattering article concerning Ayers in which he expresses pride for his role in the bombings of  New York City Police Headquarters in 1970, of the Capitol building in 1971,  and the Pentagon in 1972. If you want to feel a bit of extreme cosmic irony note the date the article was published.

Below is Rev. Wright showing how much he loves America.

 Obama Loves America