Marimba Coldplay Viva la Vida

Marimba Coldplay Viva la Vida — For your pleasure here is a marimba version  Coldplay’s Viva la Vida as performed by Maikel van den Boomen who was 15 when this was uploaded to YouTube on Nov. 2, 2010.

And how many of you even knew what a marimba was?

Marimba Coldplay Viva la VidaMarimba Coldplay Viva la Vida

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 2-9-15

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 2-9-15

Camille Raccourse, an expert at hangings, bone breaking, and other forms of death was the official executioner in Lyon, France from 1760 to 1770. All during that period she masqueraded as a man.

Atheists Support Jeffrey Epstein

Atheists Support Jeffrey Epstein
Jeffrey Epstein. His atheist friends are standing by him.

Rutgers University biologist Robert Trivers has come out in support of Jeffrey Epstein. Epstein is the notorious uber-rich Democrat donor and friend of Bill Clinton who ducked serious child molestation charges in 2008 after pleading guilty to a single instance of prostitution but is now in the limelight after a woman has accused him of forcing her as a teenager to have sex with Prince Andrew and others.

“By the time they’re 14 or 15, they’re like grown women were 60 years ago, so I don’t see these acts as so heinous,” Trivers told Reuters news agency.

Trivers received $40,000 from Epstein to study the link between knee symmetry and sprinting ability.

Arizona State University physicist Lawrence Krauss also is standing by Epstein.

“His interest is in interesting people,” he said.

Trivers and Krauss are  outspoken atheist activists.

Epstein served 25 months ending in June 2010, much of it under house arrest.

Atheists Support Jeffrey Epstein

Hat tip