Internet Killed The Radio Star reports that an Edison Research study showed that those under 18 listen to internet music streaming platforms such as Pandora and Spotify  64 minutes per day vs. 53 minutes per day of broadcast radio and online streams of AM/FM stations.

AM/FM led by a “significant margin” among all other age groups.
It appears, though, the radio star is finally about to get killed but not by video.

Internet Killed The Radio Star

Internet Killed The Radio Star



Mary Bauer Comcast Insults Now

Mary Bauer Comcast Insults Now -- Comcast Building Lobby in Philadelphia
The childish lobby of childish Democrat-supporting Comcast in Philadelphia

Mary Bauer of the Chicago suburb of Addison, Ill., is the latest person reported to be subjected to the bizarre corporate culture of Democrat-supporting Philadelphia communications giant Comcast.

Ms. Bauer, 63, began having troubles when she “upgraded” to Comcast’s X1 box in January 2014 resulting in 39 calls last winter and spring for service and countless hours on the phone with customer support.

In April, she had that box replaced with her old one but a promised credit never materialized.

She basically wrote it off until her monthly bill jumped in October from $180 to $220 and then the bills stopped completely. She had to call Comcast monthly to find out what she owed.

This week she got her first bill in months. To whom was it addressed? “Super Bitch Bauer”.

She never opened it but she did go to the press.

Our first suggestion is to dump Comcast. We did almost five years ago and have been content as clams with Verizon.

Our second suggestion is to law enforcement. What these childish morons in Comcast’s corporate offices do with regard to addressing mail with obscenities has to be in violation of some part of the postal code or against some criminal statue regarding harassment by communication.  Are you the Addison police chief? Some state attorney general somewhere?  Illinois is not the only place this is happened after all. Go for it. Get yourself some headlines.

Hat tip

 Mary Bauer Comcast Insults Now

Mary Bauer Comcast customer service’s latest victim.

Suicidal Foreign Policy In Mideast

Suicidal Foreign Policy In Mideast Chris Freind
By Chris Freind

“Samuel chose to be a soldier, and soldiers die. Sent to be slaughtered by the men in the government … I have seen nothing in (government’s) behavior that would persuade me that it has gained either in wisdom, common sense, or humanity.”
— Col William Ludlow (Anthony Hopkins) in “Legends Of The Fall”

These words are as applicable today as they were in the film’s time period of 100 years ago. And nowhere more than America’s suicidal foreign policy in the Middle East.

What was once unthinkable has now become imperative: Parents whose children are thinking about joining the military need to impart full knowledge of what can be expected. And no, we’re not talking about the rigors of boot camp, the toll of military life on families, or even the obvious dangers of traditional warfare.

Instead, it’s the extremely high likelihood that they will be engaged in the Middle East. And specifically, what will happen should they be captured by ISIS or al-Qaeda.

What exactly awaits them should they be forced to eject or, more likely, captured while fighting in a boots-on-the-ground situation? A fate worse than death. Literally. Just ask the Jordanian fighter pilot who was captured. But you can’t, because he’s no longer here. ISIS saw to that.

He drew the short straw, where beheading with a short, dull knife was far too humane. Instead, he was placed in a cage and kept like an animal for his captors’ enjoyment. When they had their fill of torture and interrogation, they doused him with gasoline. Then, Lt. Muath al-Kaseasbeh watched as ISIS ignited the fuel, knowing he was seconds away from an excruciating death.

Most Americans can’t bring themselves to watch the video. But they should. Repeatedly. And then they should think about what will happen when an American serviceman winds up in a similar position. ISIS got worldwide publicity from the Jordanian pilot’s death, but an American? That would up the stakes a thousand-fold. And since people are becoming desensitized to beheadings, and burnings will become passé, look for ISIS to up the ante — at an American’s expense.

War is hell, but the butchers in the Middle East take it to another level. But while barbaric, ISIS is also extremely calculating. They know that both political parties in Washington will respond to their atrocities with more calls for military action, gullibly taking the bait in the naïve belief that, “this time,” increasing our presence in places we are universally despised will miraculously change how we are viewed.

We are again being drawn into a battle where achieving “success” is impossible because it has yet to be defined. And because our arrogance has blinded us, our fighting men and women will be used as pawns in the politicians’ war — one that simply cannot be won.

When will enough blood and treasure be expended for us to realize what we need to do? Consider:

1. Has it dawned on anyone that this latest episode of Middle East terror has been brought to us, directly and indirectly, by the very people to whom we have sworn allegiance by prostrating ourselves at the altar of Islamic Crude?

Petroleum and natural gas are the most valuable substances on Earth, and the lack of either would collapse our economy. Yet, despite having the world’s largest reserves of both, America continues to ignore much of that godsend (recent drilling efforts are a start, but nowhere near enough). Instead, we make the conscious choice to rely on, and pay top dollar to, some of the very same people with whom we are at odds.

It’s time to stop the greatest transfer of wealth in human history — foreign aid and trillions of American petro dollars to the Middle East — and keep that money at home.

2. Can we all please just admit what is absolute fact? We are only involved in these firestorms because of our dependence on Middle Eastern oil barons to keep the crude spigots open. And since the flow of petroleum must be unimpeded, we are forced to maintain large diplomatic and military presences in that region, making us viewed as occupiers, and swelling Islamic resentment toward America.

If we drilled on a wider-scale basis (and no, cheap gas prices do not equate to energy independence), we wouldn’t be bent over the Middle East oil barrel, and therefore, wouldn’t be there. The truth, which no one admits, is that we wouldn’t give a damn about those countries or their people if we didn’t need their oil. Evidence? Where was America when millions were massacred in the 1994 Rwandan genocide? Not in Rwanda, because Rwanda has no oil. Ditto for most conflicts around the globe.

3. America has engaged in armed conflict in no less than 10 Muslim countries in the last 15 years. Until America’s reliance on Middle Eastern oil is eliminated, more Americans will die in foreign lands “protecting” oil interests, albeit under the false monikers of “freedom” and “democracy.” Those deaths are solely because America refuses to drill more, and that is inexcusable.

4. If the U.S. and its European allies hadn’t deposed Moammar Gadhafi and Saddam Hussein, and screwed up the works in Assad’s Syria, ISIS and other fundamentalist groups would never have gained a foothold. Secular strongmen are the only ones capable of maintaining regional stability. That may be tough for some to stomach, but it’s reality. So let’s stop trying to “democratize” the Islamic world. It’s not our job, and it won’t happen.

5. Muslim factions continue to be at odds with each other. Always have been, always will be. Let’s capitalize on that. The U.S. should pull out every last serviceman from the battle zones, bolster its carrier battle groups, and pound people and targets from afar with drones and missiles, keeping pilots out of harm’s way. (It’s only a matter of time before an advanced Chinese- or Russian-made missile takes out one of our planes. At that point, the pilot will have to seriously consider taking himself out before being captured, since ISIS doesn’t subscribe to the Geneva conventions.)

America should fight ISIS and al-Qaeda to the end, but only via our Muslim allies, as we provide them all the logistics, intelligence, training and weapons they need. Their boots need to be on the ground — not ours.

6. As a gesture of goodwill, we should hand over all our ISIS prisoners. To Jordan.

7. It’s time other nations step up, especially those truly reliant on Middle Eastern oil, such as China, Japan and India. America has done the heavy lifting for far too long.

Here at home, it’s time for a civil discussion, free of sound bites and personal attacks, about how to make exploring, drilling, fracking, and the transportation of oil safer and environmentally sound. We can and must work together on these issues because there is no rational alternative.

Otherwise, we will share the same remorse as Col. Ludlow, as he said, “Today, our sons are leaving home to defend a (land) they have never seen.”

Suicidal Foreign Policy In Mideast