William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 1-30-17

Sayonara doesn’t simply mean goodbye. It means “I will never see you again or at least for a very long time.” It really confuses Japanese when Americans use it casually.

The literal meaning in Japanese is “if it is to be that way.”

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 1-30-17

Libertarian Immigration Statement By Dale Kerns

Libertarian Immigration Statement

Libertarian Immigration Statement
Dale Kerns

By Dale Kerns
Let’s be honest here. First, I’m on the same side of this issue, for the most part, as Senator Bob Casey. However, for different reasons. I’m against blowing up innocent people, destroying countries that didn’t attack us, and cre- ating terrorist organizations with our own foreign policy (and have spoken out for nearly a decade). I was also against the Obama administration when they created these bans against Muslims in the past. Trump didn’t start this trend, Obama did. Obama bombed these countries every day of his presidency. If people wouldn’t had seen this from Trump, Bob Casey would not be getting involved; because thousands of people wouldn’t be protesting. He’s coming up for re-election so he’ll go where the crowd is at.

The Presidency is not a dictatorship, and we should fight this no matter which party is in control. Our message as Americans must be consistent, even if our own party is the party that is wrong. President Trump is out of line and acting as a dictator would, but so was President Obama. If we fought for peace for the past decade, this ban on the countries we’ve been in unconstitutional war with would not be an issue. But if we were not fighting a specific person in office, we honestly wouldn’t be hearing about it in 2017 either. We need to look within ourselves and start questioning the people we’ve voted for, instead of blindly following them down the road to serfdom.

-Obama White House stopped processing Iraqi visas for six months in 2011.

-In December 2015 signs bill restricting foreigners who would normally be deemed eligible for a visa waiver were denied if they had visited Iran, Syria, Sudan or Iraq in the past five years or held dual citizenship from one of those countries.

-In February 2016, the Obama administration added Libya, Somali and Yemen to the list of countries one could not have visited.

Dale Kerns of Ridley is running as a Libertarian to replace Bob Casey as U.S. Senator.

Libertarian Immigration Statement