Farthest known galaxy William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 8-10-18

Don’t figure on taking a trip to GN-z11. It’s 13 billion light years away.  Discovered in 2016 by the Hubble Space Telescope, it is the farthest known galaxy. Note that a light year equals 5.9 trillion miles. Note it takes 31,709 years to count to a trillion.

farthest known galaxy
It’s about time, ti’s about space.
Farthest known galaxy William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 8-10-18


Human Trafficking Big Business

Human Trafficking Big Business — Human trafficking is a $32 billion business according to FranceInfo via Breitbart.

About 84 percent of those being trafficked are female. Those who can’t pay the fee to get smuggled across the border are forced into prostitution.

The men who can’t pay? One report claims they are killed and their organs harvested for sale.

We believe it. There are truly evil people in this world.

Donald Trump has taken on this crowd with both fists and both feet. He may be the only one with power doing so. One judge accused the former administration of being accomplices to the traffickers.

We fear that there are truly evil people in our establishment.

By the way, Breitbart has an interesting story on illegal aliens and vote fraud that is worth reading.

Human Trafficking Big Business

Human Trafficking Big Business


Heal wounds William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-10-18

Heal wounds William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-10-18

Fdagnxq ebduzse rday upxqzqee, mzp sduqhage faux rday zqqpxqee qmeq.
Nqzvmyuz Rdmzwxuz

Heal wounds William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-10-18 Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle: sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing ye to the Lord and bless his name: shew forth his salvation from day to day. PsalmsAnswer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: I see clearly that the thing the church needs most today is the ability to heal wounds and to warm the hearts of the faithful; it needs nearness, proximity.
Pope Francis


Visit UncommonDescent.com for discussion on philosophy and science.

Strongest wind William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 8-9-18

The strongest wind ever recorded was a 253 mph gust that occurred on  Australia’s Barrow Island during Cyclone Olivia in 1996.

Strongest wind William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 8-9-18

Strongest wind William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 8-9-18

Idiot Bureaucrats Keeping Parents From Attending Child’s Wedding

Idiot Bureaucrats Keeping Parents From Attending Child’s Wedding

By Peg Luksik

Today, I am writing as a Navy Mom.  My son, who has served for 13+ years and is now a Chief, is a “Navy Nuke” on our submarines.  In September, he is planning to marry a lovely woman who is a Moldovan national and has lived here legally for 10 years.  Her parents applied for a visitor’s visa to attend the wedding.  The application for them costs $320, which is an average month’s pay in Moldova.  They do not speak English.

They were denied.  I thought they did not properly understand the process, so I got involved.  For the second application (another $320) I had letters of support from Senator Toomey, Senator Casey, Rep. Rothfus and Rep. Lamb.  That’s two R’s and two D’s.  All four offices were very helpful.

We had to prove that the parents would return to Moldova by proving that they had property, family and employment connections.   So we supplied, with the legislative letters, copies of the deeds to their two mortgage-free properties, letters from each of their employers detailing their length of employment, letters from other family members who are not coming to the US (grandmother and parents of grandchildren), the official written permission from the Navy for my son to first date and then marry his bride, a letter from the priest performing the ceremony, and the receipts from the rental of the hall for the second reception her parents are holding in Moldova in late October.

The second interview was Aug. 7.  They were scheduled for 9  a.m..  They were made to wait until everyone else was seen, skipping their appointment time.  (Remember that this is the former USSR, where people do not complain to the governement.)  The first statement was that they had already been told no, so what in their lives changed.  The second asked them if they personally knew the Senators who had written.  They did not.  They were denied.  Again.

The State Department says there is no review.  All decisions by that bureaucrat are final.  And they say that they destroy all the documents so there is no way to see if the official is actually following the rules.  That makes that unelected bureaucrat an absolute monarch.

The legislative offices are all sorry.  But tell me there is nothing they can do.

I need to get the story out.  My son deserves better than this.  But since he is on active duty, he cannot tell the story or advocate for himself.  You will notice that I did not give you his name or where he is currently stationed.

This is not about immigration laws – we met every requirement.  This is about an unelected bureaucrat believing she is not bound by any laws but her own whims.   And a young man who has given his entire adult life to defend this nation, and now needs that nation to defend him and his bride.
The President can get that visa.  I need the story to go public.

Mrs. Luksik is a former candidate for Pennsylvania governor and a long-time activist for average citizens.

Idiot Bureaucrats Keeping Parents From Attending Child’s Wedding

Idiot Bureaucrats Keeping Parents From Attending Child's Wedding

Edmund Halley Rabbit — A Legendary Recipe

Edmund Halley Rabbit -- A Legendary RecipeEdmund Halley Rabbit — Edmund Halley was born in London in 1656. His father had more money than Daddy Warbucks. Young Eddie always had a pocket full of shillings to wine and dine the lassies, but he also spent much of it on telescopes for star-gazing.

Halley was famous as an astronomer by the time he was 19. Even at that age he could immediately detect a misplaced star.

He became the Astronomer Royal succeeding John Flamsteed, the first Astronomer Royal who, along with Sir Isaac Newton, were his closest friends.

When a comet appeared in 1682, it was spotted by Halley, who after checking its orbit, identified it as the comet that had been sighted in 1607 and 1531. The streaking body is famous today as “Halley’s Comet.”

Later, the same year, 1682, Halley, Flamsteed, and Newton were at the Greenwich Observatory when Halley shouted for attention.

“I say!” exclaimed Halley. “It appears to be a cigar.”

This came long before any kind of aircraft was cluttering the skies. The trio jotted notes as they tracked the fascinating object through their telescopes. It had appeared out of no-where and moved steadily across the sky.

It was too slow for a meteor and much too fast to be a cloud. Besides the object was jet black and definitely solid.

The three compared notes and agreed they had seen the same thing. Newton described it as being shaped like a shuttle, and Flamsteed saw it as a spindle.

None of the famous astronomers could identify the object.

“Extraordinary,” they agreed.

And indeed it was. It is possible they reported the first UFO.

Many times Halley prepared a Welsh peasant’s ragout for his two friends at the observatory. One theory holds that the inexpensive dish was served to Welsh kitchen workers while English nobility dined on rabbit and wine. It was called Welsh Rabbit. Here is a popular version of the recipe which we call Halley’s Rabbit.

Halley’s Rabbit

1/4 Cup margarine or butter

Dash of cayenne

1/2 Tsp. dry mustard

1/2 Tsp. Worcestershire sauce

3/4 Cup milk

3/4 Cup ale or stout

1 Lb. shredded Cheddar cheese

8 slices toast

Shred cheese and set aside. Mix all ingredients in a saucepan and place over very low heat until liquid is hot. Add cheese, stir until melted. Pour over toast. For some modern wrinkles use ginger ale instead of the alcohol drink, and pour the sauce over bagels instead of toast. It’s delicious over French fries and baked potatoes as well.


Edmund Halley Rabbit — A Legendary Recipe

Cultivate peace William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-9-18

Cultivate peace William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-9-18

T dpp nwplcwj esle esp estyr esp nsfcns yppod xzde ezolj td esp lmtwtej ez splw hzfyod lyo ez hlcx esp splced zq esp qltesqfw; te yppod yplcypdd, aczitxtej.
Azap Qclyntd

Cultivate peace William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-9-18 Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle: sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing ye to the Lord and bless his name: shew forth his salvation from day to day. PsalmsAnswer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: Observe good faith and justice toward all nations. Cultivate peace and harmony with all.
George Washington


Visit UncommonDescent.com for discussion on philosophy and science.

 Gird your loins William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 8-8-18

Trouble’s coming. Should you gird your loins? Well you can’t really do that unless you are wearing a tunic. Back in the day when tunics were standard male attire, it meant wrapping the lower part between the legs and around the waist. This would free the legs for action while protecting important parts of the anatomy.

 Gird your loins William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 8-8-18

 Gird your loins William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 8-8-18

Ocean into a brandy snifter William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-8-18

Ocean into a brandy snifter William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-8-18

Ylcobfo qyyn pksdr kxn tecdsmo dygkbn kvv xkdsyxc. Mevdsfkdo zokmo kxn rkbwyxi gsdr kvv.
Qoybqo Gkcrsxqdyx

Ocean into a brandy snifter William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-8-18 Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle: sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing ye to the Lord and bless his name: shew forth his salvation from day to day. PsalmsAnswer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: One cannot fit the ocean into a brandy snifter.


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Little David mortar William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 8-7-18

The largest artillery pieces ever made were the Little David mortar made by the United States in 1945 and Mallet’s Mortar made by Britain in 1857. Both had a caliber of 914 mm, which is about three feet. Neither were ever used in combat.

Little David mortar William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 8-7-18

Little David mortar