Temp Work Gets Biz Tax Exemption

Pennsylvania has banned cities and other local governments from arbitrarily or excessively applying local business taxes to any company or employer that performs work within their boundaries for 15 days or less within the calendar year, reports State Rep. Jim Cox (R-129).

Tough break, Philly.  Act 42 of 2014 became law May 6.

The measure will also protect businesses from being charged the gross receipts tax twice by separate municipalities for the same earnings.

Temp Work Gets Biz Tax Exemption

Temp Work Gets Biz Tax Exemption in Pennsylvania

Pa Child Abuse Bill Awaits Gov Signature

House Bill 434, which changes the mandatory reporting requirements for school employees by requiring that these individuals report suspected abuse against students directly to Department of Public Welfare’s (DPW) ChildLine, instead of to their superiors, is now before the Governor and awaits his signature, says State Rep. Jim Cox (R-129).

This bill also expands background checks and other security requirements to school employees and to any other volunteer working directly with children, including student teachers. Additionally, the legislation increases the penalties for refusing to cooperate with a child abuse investigation.

Anyone can anonymously report suspected child abuse by using the DPW ChildLine phone number: 1-800-932-0313.


Pa Child Abuse Bill Awaits Gov Signature

Pa Child Abuse Bill Awaits Gov Signature


Tanning Salons Cannot Take Minors Now

Tanning salons in Pennsylvania must now be licensed and inspected by the Pennsylvania Department of Health with the May 6 signing of  Act 41 of 2014, reports State Rep. Jim Cox (R-129)

Additionally, the new law bans minors age 16 and younger from using the tanning facility and requires minors at age 17 to obtain parental consent prior to using the facility.

The law also requires tanning facilities to post notifications that ultraviolet light has a carcinogenic effect on skin, along with other health and safety requirements.

Violations can result in the revocation of registration and subsequent ability to operate within the Commonwealth.

Isn’t this a violation of the child’s right to choose? Shouldn’t a girl be allowed to bypass her parents by going to a judge if she really wants a tan in winter?  Where was Planned Parenthood when this intrusive law was passed?

Well girls take heart. There is always a chance a Pennsylvania governor will choose not to enforce the law.

Tanning Salons Cannot Take Minors Now

Tanning Salons Cannot Take Minors Now