GOP Must Reject Alinsky

Saul Alinsky’s 1971 book Rules for Radicals included a dedication to Lucifer and advised as political strategy the use of ridicule, threats and the personal destruction of opponents.

Alinsky can fairly be called the founder of the modern Democrat Party. Brack Obama is a follower as is Hillary Clinton.

Most of the old media is filled with followers of Alinsky. They are basically political operatives who call themselves journalists. When hard questions are asked and uncomfortable truths are reported by the few who still actually practice the trade, the Alinskites let accusations of bias fly and attack their integrity. Some would say they are projecting. We, however, think it is a premeditated  strategy, which is even worse.

The educational system at all levels is dominated by Alinsky disciples. Ask a young person if he thinks truth is objective or is something for the individual to decide. The answer is likely to be revealing.

Ask yourself if people who threaten, and are willing to follow through on those threats, to harm children to get greater wealth should be allowed to be teachers. If you live in Pennsylvania, then ask why already wealthy teachers are allowed strike when it is obvious that the biggest victim of strikes is those whom we entrust to them. It certainly should not be difficult to end this practice but it has been around since about the time of Alinsky’s book.

If you live in any state ask yourself why it is so hard to fire unsatisfactory, even bad, teachers.

Some conservatives advocate adopting the tactics of Alinsky for their cause. They are badly mistaken.

Mocking stupidity is certainly a temptation that can’t be avoided but ridiculing to destroy is something we must not do. We have to build. We have to create. We have to unite, not merely utter the word meaninglessly as per Obama.

We have to recognize that truth is objective and real and applies to everyone regardless of what they want things to be.

We have to love our neighbor and our enemy.

We have to follow someone else, not  Lucifer, who is not a radical fighter for the little guy as per the claims of Alinsky but a simple tyrant-wannabe.

GOP Must Reject Alinsky

GOP Must Reject Alinsky