Third Party Access Reforms Needed

Third Party Access Reforms NeededMembers of the Pennsylvania Ballot Access Coalition (PBAC) testified at a public hearing, Sept. 22, convened by Sen. Mike Folmer (R-48), chairman of the Pennsylvania Senate State Government Committee. The committee’s purpose was to hear testimony regarding S.B. 495 also known as the “Voters’ Choice Act” (VCA). The VCA would bring Pennsylvania’s egregious ballot access laws much closer to the intent of Article 1, Section 5 of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Constitution which guarantees that all elections shall be “free and equal”.

Currently, Alternative Party candidates and Independent candidates are required to gather as many as 30 times the number of signatures required by the two old parties. In a recent election, while the Democrat and Republican candidates required 2,000 signatures, independent and minor party candidates were required to collect more than 60,000 signatures! The VCA would change the method by which a “minor party” would be qualified. Once qualified as a minor party, it would then be free of the egregious signature collecting process and its destructive consequences. The “minor party” would then be free to nominate its candidates by convention or by whichever form described in its bylaws. Independent candidates would only have to collect the same number of signatures as the candidates from the 2 old parties.

Roy Minet, from the Pennsylvania Libertarian Party spoke for the PBAC. He made it clear that ballot access laws were favored by the two old parties because they “prevented ballot clutter”. He quickly protested that what they actually “meant by ‘clutter’ was in fact competition”!

Carl Romanelli, former US Senate candidate, speaking for the Pennsylvania Green Party, revealed that not only had he been removed from the ballot but was required to pay $80,000 covering the cost of the Democratic Party which actually used a “volunteer” who was in reality a salaried employee of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania resulting in what became known as “Bonusgate”. He pointed out that the VCA was “brilliant in its simplicity” in bringing about a change in the ballot access laws which would be more reflective of “free and equal elections”.

Jim Clymer, former candidate for Lieutenant Governor, speaking for the Pennsylvania Constitution Party, explained how polls showed that the majority of Pennsylvanians wanted more choice on Election Day. He also pointed out that, since any challenge to minor party or independent candidates for statewide election might result in having to pay the challenge’s $80,000 costs, such candidates are effectively removed as candidates. Jim Clymer also pointed out how the Federal District Court has recently struck down Pennsylvania’s ballot access laws because the combination of signatures and payment of challenger’s costs were unconstitutional under the United States Constitution.

Steve Scheetz, representing the Pennsylvania Libertarian Party, demonstrated how difficult it is to find volunteers because they are painfully aware that their candidate might be removed from the ballot. Moreover Scheetz clarified that with only the 2 old candidates we have positions on an issue which only differ slightly while the candidates then level personal attacks. Candidates from newer parties would change the nature of the conversation forcing all candidates to be more articulate on the issues. The “spoiler issue” was also shown to be a creation of the older parties which, virtually assert that they “own” votes which can be “taken by spoilers”. Romanelli said “the people, not any candidate or party own their own votes and they alone can decide who will deserve the precious gift of their vote”

Hat tips Bob Small and John Murphy.

Holy Myrrh-Bearers Showing Papal Mass

Holy Myrrh-Bearers Church will open its doors to all Sunday afternoon to air live the the Papal Mass on the Parkway. Holy Myrrh-Bearers Showing Papal Mass

The Mass starts at 4 p.m. The church doors will open an hour earlier.

The church is at 900 Fairview Road, Swarthmore, Pa. 19081.

After the Mass, the church will have a roast beef buffet. Tickets are $15 and reservations are requested. To make one call Bob Long at 610-459-1935 or email him at

The church is changing its Sunday liturgy schedule starting Oct. 4 with an English Liturgy at 9 a.m. and a Ukrainian one at 11 a.m.

Holy Myrrh-Bearers Showing Papal Mass

Clock Shows PC Poison

Clock Shows PC PoisonBy Chris Freind

Anyone who thinks the following isn’t “alarming” should have his clock cleaned:

• Fourteen year-old student brings homemade “clock” to school.

• Device has a timer, protruding wires and electronic circuitry.

• Device makes beeping sound in student’s suitcase during class.

• Teacher, uncertain what it is, contacts school officials, who notify police.

• Student, who happens to be Muslim, is questioned and arrested.

• Forces of political correctness circle the wagons, blindly defending student; viciously attacking school officials and police as racist; demanding the student be given an apology; and screaming that he should file lawsuits for his “ordeal.”

• The nation’s “elite,” from President Obama to Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, fawn over student and throw compliments his way like he was God’s gift to America.

This situation epitomizes modern-day America: A small but very vocal minority shouts “racist” every time they feel “offended,” encompassing everything from comedians’ jokes to law enforcement profiling to criminals being “disenfranchised” when police use force apprehending them.

The biggest casualty is America’s security, because every time we don’t push back, the PC bullies have free reign to eviscerate all who oppose them. And our enemies become emboldened, with the blueprint for “success” falling right into their laps.

Let’s look at the real story behind the firestorm engulfing the McArthur High School in Irving, Texas:

1. The big controversy is whether the student, Ahmed Mohamed, was “profiled” because he was Muslim. In other words, was he detained and arrested because of his skin color and religion? How that is controversial in the first place is mindboggling. Two answers:

• Anyone possessing such a device should have been dealt with in exactly the same way.

• But if he was profiled, you can still make the argument that it was justified.

Are there terrorists other than Muslims? Of course, including red-blooded boy-next-door Americans, such as Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh and numerous mass shooters.

Yet the sad but true reality of today’s world is that people meeting certain criteria require extra scrutiny. Islamic militants, including those who have discreetly assimilated into American society as part of “sleeper cells,” are, and should be, at the top of that list. For those labeling that “discriminatory,” a quick refresher – facts, not opinion – is in order: All 19 Sept. 11 hijackers were Muslim. As were the Fort Hood shooter, the Boston Bombers, the Fort Dix Six, and the Chattanooga military installation shooter. Ditto for the Times Square bomber, the shoe bomber, the underwear bomber, and the Garland, Texas, shooter.

It was Islamic terrorists who bombed the London tube, trains in Madrid, and shot up the Charlie Hebdo office in France. And let’s not forget the myriad death threats by Muslim fundamentalists to any editor who dared exercise freedom of speech by publishing Mohammed cartoons.

Without making America into a bigger police state, we must redouble our efforts to identify threats, and ultimately, thwart attacks. And while no ethnicity, nationality or religion should be “off the table” to profiling, it is irresponsible to deliberately look the other way in scrutinizing those who fit possible “red flag” profiles. We could certainly use more tact in certain profiling situations, but, unequivocally, we cannot afford to base security procedures, or lack thereof, on hurt feeings.

2. It was bad enough that President Obama stuck his nose where it didn’t belong, but to shoot from the hip without the facts makes the sin mortal. Inviting Ahmed to the White House – really, Mr. President? This incident rises to that occasion? – and telling him to bring the clock, while claiming Ahmed’s teachers “failed him,” are prime examples of why the president’s ratings continue to plummet. Big on gimmicks, small on substance.

And it’s not without irony that, while the president criticizes the school’s security protocols, the number of intruders who have literally walked into the White House has been unprecedented under his watch. Time to refocus your priorities, Mr. President.

3. Many are calling for apologies to Ahmed and his family. Well, here’s some free advice to the police and school district: Don’t do it. Not now, not ever. There’s no need.

And for what exactly should they be apologizing? Doing their jobs?

An unknown contraption – definitely not a stretch thinking it resembled an explosive device – is discovered in a school, the authorities are notified, and the police investigate. How is anything about that wrong?

Using the critics’ rationale, it must therefore also be wrong to report suspicious devices in malls and movie theatres. See one at an airport or bus terminal? No problem. Simply ignore it. After all, this is America, land of the free and home of the naïve.

4. Let’s talk about profiling. Colleges, businesses and the government profile to determine whom they want to target, admit, and hire. Israel actively profiles, and as a result, its El Al airline, despite being a high-value target, has been hijacked only once. And law enforcement, especially the FBI, uses profiling to catch serial killers and other dangerous criminals.

Was it wrong to have profiled Irish Catholic students carrying suspicious packages in Northern Ireland several decades ago? Of course not.

That certainly doesn’t mean Ahmed should have been treated as a terrorist suspect while being detained, and questions must be answered about reports, if true, that he was denied access to his parents and a lawyer during questioning. But those things have nothing to do with the fact that both school and law enforcement officials performed their jobs.

5. Ahmed was suspended because, in today’s climate, you simply cannot bring that kind of thing to school. Period. If he’s as smart as his defenders make him out to be, he should have known the response that would be generated.

6. If, as the critics state, the teachers and police overreacted, what should they have done? Nothing? Hoped for the best? Taken Ahmed at his word? As usual, the silence is deafening.

One has to wonder what their response will be if someone actually detonates a bomb at a school, with scores killed and maimed. Since suicidal radicals have shown no hesitation about using their children as sacrificial bomb carriers, nothing should be assumed or taken for granted that “it couldn’t happen here.”

The same Monday-morning quarterbacks ravaging the officials in Irving would undoubtedly complain that our children weren’t protected, and demand answers as to how the school administration was blind-sided, why it didn’t employ better security precautions, and why elements of profiling weren’t utilized. The hypocrisy of the PC crowd knows no bounds.

If Americans don’t stand up for common sense security policies, and reject politically correct measures that imperil the nation, sooner or later the clock will strike 12, and the once-great American fairy tale will turn into a nightmare.

Clock Shows PC Poison

Attorney General Without Law License

By Leo Knepper Attorney General Without Law License

Pennsylvania finds itself in the unenviable position of having an Attorney General, who is not only under indictment but whose law license is going to be suspended in thirty days. The Supreme Court unanimously decided to suspend Kathleen Kane’s license as the result of the ongoing criminal case against her. Although she can appeal the Court’ decision, her attorneys have not indicated whether or not they are going to take that path. Without a law license, Kane will be unable to carry out basic tasks like signing legal documents. However, Kane is (still) not resigning as Attorney General.

It is not clear exactly how Kane will function as Attorney General without a law license, it is clear that she is going to release “thousands” of pornographic emails. The emails were sent by “government officials, including law enforcement officials and judges” according to the Attorney General’s office. Where the issue of releasing emails becomes a little murky is Kane’s arguments only a couple of days ago that she was not going to release the emails…and that is after calling for the emails to be released a couple weeks ago. Confused? You are not alone. The Philadelphia Inquirer characterized her position as “elusive”.

That same article noted that Kane had so far only highlighted emails sent by a “group of political foes and state officials with ties to them.” The disconnect between how Kane treats friends versus her foes is highlighted by her Chief of Staff, Jonathan Duecker. Prior to being promoted, the Attorney General’s personnel office recommended firing Duecker over sexual harassment claims.

There will certainly be more news coming out of the Attorney General’s office. However based on Kane’s disparate treatment of staff and schizophrenic attitude toward emails, it is questionable how much of the activity will be related to the administration of justice. Will Kane make all of the inappropriate emails public? Or, will she be selective and use them to fulfill a vendetta? It would be in the public’s best interest for all materials to be released, but the public’s best interest does not appear to be one of Kane’s top priorities.

Mr. Knepper is executive director of Citizens Alliance of Pennsylvania.

Attorney General Without Law License


Autumn 2015 Starts Now

The 2015 autumnal equinox is right now 4:21 a.m., Sept. 23. Autumn 2015 Starts Now.The 2015 autumnal equinox is right now 4:21 a.m., Sept. 23 according to the Old Farmer’s Almanac as the sun crosses the celestial equator. Fall has arrived in the Northern Hemisphere, and the days are now shorter than the nights and will continue to be so until the spring equinox.

The celestial equator is a circle concentric with the actual equator that extends infinitely to space. As the Earth has a 23 degree tilt the the northern half tilts towards the Sun during half its orbit and away the other half. The equinoxes occur when tilt switches.

Autumn 2015

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 9-22-15

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 9-22-15

William Penn had a habit of not reading documents he signed. An evil fellow Quaker named Philip Ford was his business manager. He had him sign a document that was a deed transferring ownership of Pennsylvania to himself. He then started charging Penn rent, which he didn't pay. When Ford died, his wife threw Penn in debtors prison. The powers that be thought that that was too low, freed him and gave him the colony back.William Penn didn’t read the documents he signed. An evil fellow Quaker named Philip Ford was his business manager. He had him sign a document that transferred ownership of Pennsylvania to himself. He then started charging Penn rent, which he didn’t pay. When Ford died, his wife threw Penn in debtors prison. The powers that be thought that that was too low, freed him and gave him the colony back.

Philip Ford cheated William Penn.

Restore American Dream Rally

Restore American Dream Rally
The Restore the American Dream Rally will be a tribute to former U.S. Senate candidate Tom Smith.

This event has been postponed according to Leo Knepper

A “Restore the American Dream Rally” will be held Oct. 2 at the California University Convocation Center in Washington County, Pa., reports Leo Knepper of Citizens Alliance of Pennsylvania (CAP).

CAP will be among the participants and will be introducing The Thomas J. Smith Recruitment Initiative in honor of the 2012 U.S. Senate candidate whose primary victory shook the state Republican establishment.

The event is free and open to the public. Doors open at 4 p.m. and the event begins at 5:30.

Entertainment will be provided by country singer Aaron Tippin. The keynote speaker will be Senator Scott Wagner.

Restore American Dream Rally

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 9-19-15

Where is Gunnbjarnarsker? That is Greenland as that is what it's discoverer, Gunnbjørn Ulfsson, called it when he found it in 930 AD. It means Gunnbjørn skerries, which are small rocky islands. Eric the Red was the guy who made the first settlement there. He renamed it Greenland to entice suckers. William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 9-19-15

Where is Gunnbjarnarsker? That is Greenland as that is what it’s discoverer, Gunnbjørn Ulfsson, called it when he found it in 930 AD. It means Gunnbjørn skerries, which are small rocky islands. Eric the Red was the guy who made the first settlement there. He renamed it Greenland to entice suckers.

Where is Gunnbjarnarsker?