Attorney General Without Law License

By Leo Knepper Attorney General Without Law License

Pennsylvania finds itself in the unenviable position of having an Attorney General, who is not only under indictment but whose law license is going to be suspended in thirty days. The Supreme Court unanimously decided to suspend Kathleen Kane’s license as the result of the ongoing criminal case against her. Although she can appeal the Court’ decision, her attorneys have not indicated whether or not they are going to take that path. Without a law license, Kane will be unable to carry out basic tasks like signing legal documents. However, Kane is (still) not resigning as Attorney General.

It is not clear exactly how Kane will function as Attorney General without a law license, it is clear that she is going to release “thousands” of pornographic emails. The emails were sent by “government officials, including law enforcement officials and judges” according to the Attorney General’s office. Where the issue of releasing emails becomes a little murky is Kane’s arguments only a couple of days ago that she was not going to release the emails…and that is after calling for the emails to be released a couple weeks ago. Confused? You are not alone. The Philadelphia Inquirer characterized her position as “elusive”.

That same article noted that Kane had so far only highlighted emails sent by a “group of political foes and state officials with ties to them.” The disconnect between how Kane treats friends versus her foes is highlighted by her Chief of Staff, Jonathan Duecker. Prior to being promoted, the Attorney General’s personnel office recommended firing Duecker over sexual harassment claims.

There will certainly be more news coming out of the Attorney General’s office. However based on Kane’s disparate treatment of staff and schizophrenic attitude toward emails, it is questionable how much of the activity will be related to the administration of justice. Will Kane make all of the inappropriate emails public? Or, will she be selective and use them to fulfill a vendetta? It would be in the public’s best interest for all materials to be released, but the public’s best interest does not appear to be one of Kane’s top priorities.

Mr. Knepper is executive director of Citizens Alliance of Pennsylvania.

Attorney General Without Law License


Autumn 2015 Starts Now

The 2015 autumnal equinox is right now 4:21 a.m., Sept. 23. Autumn 2015 Starts Now.The 2015 autumnal equinox is right now 4:21 a.m., Sept. 23 according to the Old Farmer’s Almanac as the sun crosses the celestial equator. Fall has arrived in the Northern Hemisphere, and the days are now shorter than the nights and will continue to be so until the spring equinox.

The celestial equator is a circle concentric with the actual equator that extends infinitely to space. As the Earth has a 23 degree tilt the the northern half tilts towards the Sun during half its orbit and away the other half. The equinoxes occur when tilt switches.

Autumn 2015