Chesco Inquisition Closed? Not So Fast

Chesco Inquisition Closed? Not So Fast — Long-time Republican and Phoenixville election worker Paul Celentano missed the note that the Chester County Republican Party inquisition scheduled for Feb. 11 at party HQ on Church Street in West Chester so he went.

He was met by the county GOP Executive Director Laura Wagoner who explained that the event was cancelled but he couldn’t have attended anyway as it would have been a closed hearing. Chesco Inquisition Closed? Not So Fast

The hearing is suspected to have been an attempt to remove committeepeople  ane Ladley, Tom Ferro, Steve Mobley and Donna Ellingsen  who are accused of violating party bylaws for supporting candidates other than the nominated ones.

Mrs. Ladley is the Area 19 chairwoman.

Mrs. Ellingsen says that those accused have not consented to a closed hearing.

“We have specifically informed the Chesco GOP solicitor that we have nothing to hide behind closed doors,” she said.

Chesco Inquisition Closed? Not So Fast

Lotte Lenya William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 2-19-16

Lotte Lenya named in the American version of “Mack the Knife” was the wife of composer Kurt Weill who co-wrote The Threepenny Opera from which the song comes. Lotte is also known for playing the evil Rosa Klebb in the James Bond movie From Russia With Love. Suky Tawdry, Lucy Brown et al were characters in the play.

Lotte Lenya William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 2-19-16
Lotte Lenya William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 2-19-16
Lotte Lenya was Rosa Klebb?