William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 5-23-16

Who was Ivan IV Vasilyevich? He was the first Russian czar. He is better known to Russians as Ivan Grozny which means Ivan the Formidable. He is better known to us as Ivan the Terrible. It’s a bad translation thing.

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 5-23-16

Slavery Goal Of Modern Politicians

Slavery Goal Of Modern Politicians Slavery Goal Of Modern Politicians — Richard Fernandez has a great column at PJMedia.com summing up modern politics and the goals of those who dedicate their lives to it namely slavery.

He describes an happy marriage of convenience between socialists and crony capitalists.

Those who do not own the means of production shall be legally compelled to work for those who do, and shall receive in exchange a security of livelihood, he says citing the great Hilaire Belloc.

It’s pretty obvious that this is the goal of the “never-let-a-crisis-go-to-waste” crowd.

Why is our $19.3 trillion national debt being downplayed by the official mouthpieces? Why are we letting in immigrants who hate our values?

Slavery Goal Of Modern Politicians