Dems Doomed By Inconsistencies

Dems Doomed By Inconsistencies
Now fly! Fly.

Dems Doomed By Inconsistencies  — The Democrats last night (July 25) at Wells Fargo Center tried to put the best possible face on their girl — and the worst on The Donald — but couldn’t get past the inherent inconsistencies caused by their party’s inherent corruption that is likely going doom them in the fall.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren spent a tedious 20 minutes attacking the “one percenters” — of which she is one — and “Wall Street” without a drop of shame coloring her cheeks considering the person she is trying to get elected is bought and owned by the banks and happily does their bidding.

And Bernie Sanders caved like a sack of socialism when it was his turn to take the podium. He surrendered everything he claimed to believe, joining the flock of flying monkeys to get the Wicked Witch of New York elected and steal our collective red shoes.

Trump is far from perfect but he’s certainly not part of the wannabe feudal lords and ladies so falsely convinced they are smarter than the rest of us.

And that makes him the smart choice this November.

Dems Doomed By Inconsistencies

Daddy N Sky Show

Daddy N Sky Show —  YouTube sensation Mommy and Gracie Show features a mom and her daughter giving consumer reviews. A popular segment is “What The Thrift”.

What would happen if a dad did a similar thing with his daughter?

Let’s find out:

Daddy N Sky ShowDaddy N Sky

Huma Abedin Protected Weiner

Huma Abedin Protected Weiner — This article originally ran July 25, 2013 and it is poetic that its three-year anniversary falls on the start of the pageant for the coronation of Queen Hillary as the Democrat Party presidential nominee. So we are running it again.

Huma Abedin Protected Weiner
Huma and Hillary

Huma Abedin stood meekly by, July 22, as her man,  disgraced Congressman Anthony “Hey Everybody, Look At My” Weiner, made a last ditch bid to salvage a chance to be mayor of New York.

So why? She was Deputy Chief of Staff to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and helped guide policy in Egypt, Syria and the Mideast. She’s now part of the transition team to the woman who might become the next president of the United States. Why is she putting up with this bozo?

And why aren’t the Islamic nutjobs threatening to kill her? Weiner is a Jew for Pete’s sake. A Jew who is humiliating her before the world; who is turning her into a joke. How can her family  bear the shame? Her father, Dr. Syed Zainul Abedin — thank Allah that he’s not alive to see this —  worked for terrorism financier Abdullah Omar Naseef. Her mother, Saleha, is a leader in the Muslim Sisterhood, which is the ladies auxiliary for the Muslim Brotherhood.

Oh, the pain and shame she must be going through. I wonder why she doesn’t seem more upset.

Huma Abedin Protected Weiner

Tim Kaine Strategic Choice

Tim Kaine Strategic Choice
Whaa Ha Ha Ha

Tim Kaine Strategic Choice — Hillary Clinton has picked former Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine as her running mate and pundits are pondering the strategic value that he bring to the ticket.

The answer is much.

Hillary is thinking strategically like a Batman supervillain. She knows full well Kaine will help her greatly in her criminal conspiracies in the diminishing chance she actually wins the election.

Tim Kaine Strategic Choice

ACLU Now Involved In Rose Tree Park Matter

ACLU Now Involved In Rose Tree Park Matter — A letter from the American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania has been sent to Delaware County officials concerning the matter, July 16, in which Libertarians circulating petitions for their 7th District Congressional candidate Patrick Sellers were chased from the county-owned Rose Tree Park after their petitions were confiscated then apparently lost.

The letter from Deputy Legal Director Mary Catherine Roper is addressed to county solicitor Michael L. Maddren; Delaware County Park Police Chief Samuel S. Ziviello; and Parks Director Marc J. Manfre.

The letter notes that bans on distributing political literature or carrying political signs are unconstitutional even if the ban was neutral which in the case of Rose Tree Park it is not. ACLU Now Involved In Rose Tree Park Matter

Libertarian spokesman Dale Kerns of Ridley said the canvassers have been allowed back in the park but are not allowed to carry signs or wear t-shirts identifying their party.

He also says the confiscated signatures have still not been returned. Sellers needs 2,500 signatures from residents of the 7th District to get on the ballot. If he falls a few hundred short, a very real civil rights violation will have occurred which will not bode well for the careers of certain county officials and police people.

Here is a link to the letter: Rose Tree Park Delaware County demand letter

ACLU Now Involved In Rose Tree Park Matter


William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 7-22-16

second deadliest man
So, who was the second deadliest dog?

Who were the deadliest and second deadliest man alive? That would be John Timothy “Count Dante” Keehan and his sidekick Douglas Dwyer. They were arrested on July 22, 1965 in Chicago when they tried to tape dynamite caps to a rival dojo. Both were under the influence of alcohol. Keehan would advertise his skills in comic books.


Second deadliest man –William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 7-22-16

Libertarians Rose Tree Park Return Without Hassle

Libertarians Rose Tree Park Return Without Hassle   — Those collecting signatures for Libertarian Pennsylvania 7th District Congressional candidate Patrick Sellers have returned to Rose Tree Park and are collecting them without interference according to Dale Kerns Jr.

Kerns, Sellers and six others were at the county-owned park in Upper Providence last night (July 21) during Summer Festival and plan on being there each night through Sunday.

“We thank (Park Police Chief Samuel S. Ziviello)  for helping resolve this issue,” said Kerns. “He called to say that his officers would not interfere with us at the park, and that he would be available on his cell if there were any issues. A few of the officers talked and joked with us. Nice night all in all.”

Libertarians Rose Tree Park Return Without Hassle Kerns and Sellers were chased from the park on July 16 after the petitions containing signatures were confiscated, and Kerns was later subject to a rather troubling car stop.

Kerns says the confiscated petitions have not been returned and appear to have been lost by police. This could cause some trouble for the agency — and the county, especially Councilman Mario Civera, whose name was given as having ordered the action — if Sellers cannot get on the ballot due to a lack of names.

Libertarians Rose Tree Park Return

Trump Train Rolls Out Of Cleveland

Trump Train Rolls
Uniter not a divider.

Trump Train Rolls — With the Republican Convention over, all should be on the Trump train unless, perhaps, one is a government civil employee or otherwise milking the public cow.

Donald Trump’s acceptance speech, last night, was long, substantive, extraordinarily unifying  and consistent what he had been saying for the last 16 months. Trump has been remarkably consistent, in fact, regarding what he thinks is wrong with the country and how he plans to fix things.

The scary thing is that the simple, common-sense solutions he advocates have not merely been ignored for the last two decades but out-and-out condemned by our political and media leaders.

Also remarkable were Trump’s children. We cannot recall any candidate’s child ever giving such detailed, meaningful conventions speeches, much less three of them.

Donald Jr., Eric and Ivanka are products of the first marriage so give a hand to Ivana, too.

The most significant speech, last night, apart from Trump’s, was made by Silicon Valley businessman Peter Thiel, who baldly said he was proudly gay.

Theil also baldly said that “fake culture wars only distract us from our economic decline.”

And this baldly applies to those pushing incredibly stupid and unpopular laws that would open public ladies rooms to all and make businesses unmanageable by drastically increasing the protected class  when they should have been fighting for pension reform and to keep an unbalanced budget from passing.

Are you listening Scott Wagner?

Trump Train Rolls